Deandra Jones English 382-01 SpongeBob CommaPants Deandra Jones English 382-01
I have a list of friends to play games with! Hi! My name is SpongeBob Squarepants, and I want to invite my friends over to my pineapple home to play games on commas! I am planning to invite Patrick Squidward Sandy and Mr. Krabs. But wait… I have more than one friend, so I should show that by adding commas. We use commas to separate items in a list, and I named a list of my friends. This is the correct way! I am planning to invite Patrick, Squidward, Sandy, and Mr. Krabs.
The introductory games were easy. I passed around a few cards with comma errors. Patrick’s card read: Since I am a starfish I have five arms on my body. Patrick gave us an introduction to why he has 5 arms; therefore, we have to set off a comma to demonstrate this. The introductory element is a dependent clause, and is an incomplete sentence. His new sentence will read: Since I am a starfish, I have five arms on my body. Also, since is one of the AAAWWUUBBIS words which begin dependent clauses.
I introduced participial phrases to Mr. Krabs. Clapping his claws towards the food, Mr. Krabs ate two cookies. Click here
We had extra food to eat. After the games ended, we decided to take a break. I couldn’t control myself and corrected Squidward’s misuse of commas I saw in his secret diary. He was upset, but I continued to read it anyway. Now don’t tell him I shared this with you, but one of his sentences was just so adorable. Spongebob a kind and yellow sponge, will never know that I enjoy his games. Squidward described me as “a kind and yellow sponge” which is extra information he shared. It should say… Spongebob, a kind and yellow sponge, will never know that I enjoy his games. We will call the extra information an appositive, a noun phrase identifying a person, place or thing already named in a sentence.
It was absolutely amazing, just like absolute phrases. Squidward, his stomach full from Krabby Patties, grabbed the radio from my room. Click here
We sat side-by-side and listened to music. The music was great, but I looked at the lyrics and it was full of comma errors! Here are a few lyrics down below. I am going to the Bikini Bottom store but I need to grab my wallet first. Correction: I am going to the Bikini Bottom store, but I need to grab my wallet first. I like listening to music with my friends and I enjoy playing games with them. Correction: I like listening to music with my friends, and I enjoy playing games with them. Commas set off side-by-side sentences in compound sentences when conjunctions are used.
Lastly, Sandy and I played karate games to demonstrate comma splices.
Guess what? The party is almost over. Comma splices in a sentence is a common mistake. Luckily, Sandy and I have the best karate skills in town. Comma splices happens when we use a comma to link two independent clauses together. We can use the “guess what” test to look for independent clauses. For example: Guess what? I like karate, Sandy likes karate. “I like Karate.” is a complete sentence, as well as, “Sandy likes karate.” Therefore, no comma is needed. I went to pick up my glove after it flew off my hand! No comma is needed for compound verbs (pick up).
My grandma sent me a letter the next day! A comma follows the dialogue and comes after the closing quotation mark. Let’s look at a sentence from grandma’s letter. SpongeBob, I have great news. “I am proud of my grandson for teaching his friends on how to use commas”, said Grandpa. My grandma knew to put the comma after grandpa said his statement. Great job grandma!
THE END! Citation: All pictures were uploaded from google images.