The gas crisis of January 2009: Lessons learnt for energy security of Slovakia and the EU Date: 23.11.2009 Author: Dr.Hans-Gilbert Meyer Member of the.


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Presentation transcript:

The gas crisis of January 2009: Lessons learnt for energy security of Slovakia and the EU Date: Author: Dr.Hans-Gilbert Meyer Member of the Board of Directors, Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. The Common EU Energy Policy and the Energy Security of Slovakia 3rd annual energy conference

2 Agenda Life without gas Preparation for the future

3 Reduction in gas supply during the gas crisis in January 2009 Source:

4 Impact of the crisis in Slovakia No impact on households Restrictions on industrial production

5 Crisis management SK PL UA A CZ Normal operation Imports via Ukraine

6 First actions SK PL UA A CZ Fully supplied from SPP storages Crisis management

7 International cooperation within Slovakia Crisis management SK PL UA A CZ Usage of storage capacity of international partners

8 Crisis management Cross-border cooperation SK PL UA A CZ Reverse-flow through Czech Republic

Crisis management success factors Successful crisis management pragmatism and flexibility Cross-border cooperation discipline of customers gas supplies from international partners

Agenda Life without gas Preparation for the future

11 Can such crisis recur? Yes, it can!

Gas supply diversification contracts How are we prepared? (1) Two ten-year contracts with E.ON Ruhrgas (up to 850 mil. m 3 yearly) Five-year contract with GDF Suez (up to 500 mil. m 3 yearly ) Contract on back-up deliveries with VNG (up to 30 mil. m 3 ) Overall additional daily volume of up to 5.5 mil. m 3

Technical measures Instant gas supplies for SR by reverse flow via CR (within 2-3 hrs in case of crisis) How are we prepared? (2)

Storages Total storage capacity increased by 250 mil. m 3 compared to previous year How are we prepared? (3)

What about the future? Further improvement on reverse flow – technology in SR, CR, and also Austria Finalization storage project Gajary Baden Pipeline connection with Hungary in order to access Nabucco Additional diversification contracts

16 Thank you for your attention!