Conditionnel Présent
Use To express actions that may or may not occur in the future (on condition that something else happens.) If it was sunny, I would go out. Sil faisait beau, je sortirais
Formation (verbs ending in –er, -ir) ais ait ions iez aient Much like the Futur Simple Take the infinif form of the verb Add the endings of the imparfait Ex. manger +
Le Conditionnel Présent (-er) Je mangerais I would eat Tu mangerais You would eat Il/Elle/On mangerait He/she would eat Nous mangerions We would eat Vous mangeriez You would eat Ils / Elles mangeraient They would eat
Le Conditionnel Présent (-ir) Je finirais I would finish Tu finirais You would finish Il/Elle/On finirait He/she/one would finish Nous finirions We would finish Vous finiriez You would finish Ils / Elles finiraient They would finish
Formation (verbs ending in –re) ais ait ions iez aient Take the infinif form of the verb Drop the « e » Add the endings of the futur simple Ex. vendre vendr endings
Le Conditionnel Présent (-re) Je vendrais I would sell Tu vendrais You would sell Il/Elle/On vendrait He/she/one would sell Nous vendrions We would sell Vous vendriez You would sell Ils / Elles vendraient They would sell