LABORATORY FACILITIES Raschanee Suvaparp The Agricultural Production Sciences Research Development Office. Department of Agriculture THAILAND
COMPANY EXPORTER FARMER PACKING HOUSE DOA Apply for Membership FIELD (GAP) & PACKING HOUSE (GMP) INSPECTION PASS Documents CHECK FOOD SAFETY COMMITEE MEMBER CODE & LOGO APPROVED REJECT NOT APPROVED EXPORTER FARMER PACKING HOUSE PRODUCT under Food Safety PROJECT PLANT QUARANTINE EXPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED REJECT DOA INSPECTION 2 times/month, random 10% at 3-7 day before harvest - Accept - Permit to Harvest - Reject - Prohibit and Intensive Inspection DOA INSPECTION 3 month - Accept - Permit to Export and monitor - Reject - Prohibit and Intensive Inspection TRACEABILITY CERTIFY PROCESS FOR MEMBERSHIP PRODUCTION CONTROL PROCESS FOOD SAFETY PROJECT 1 2 Improved and start at 1st stage again Product Inspection 3-7 days before harvest
1) Certify process for membership # System for farmer supervision -Advice farmer to take record on work performed, check for chemical used by farmer from the record. - Use of chemical by farmer, is recommened to follow the label. There are guideline for GAP cultivation. - Growing sites are inspected randomly 2 times/month.
# Certification of membership -Samples are taken 10 % of the plot from growing site before harvesting 3-7 days to be analysed. - Inspection at packing house by taking 10 %,5%,5% of samples in the 1,2,3 month, respectively. If residue is not found, inspection will ceased. - Inspection for residue on product will be done on chemicals recommended for used on crop only. # DOA grant GAP certificate to farmers, and Food Safety certificate to company who have contract farms [GAP+GMP]
2) Production Control Process [ inspection before export ] # Farmer - DOA inspection: 2 times/month, randomly 10 % at 3-7 day before harvest - accept ; permit to harvest - reject ; prohibit and intensive inspection # Packing house - DOA inspection: 3 month - accept ; permit to export and monitor - reject ; prohibit and intensive inspection
Check List for GAP Inspection 1. Water source 2. Growing area 3. Use of agricultural toxic substances 4. Storage and transportation of produces on farm 5. Record keeping 6. Produces free from pest 7. Production process for quality produces 8. Harvesting and post harvesting practices
LABORATORY FACILITY DOA provide analytical inspection and quality certification of soil, water, crop, fertilizer, chemical substances. # Item to be analysed ; on farm level soil : plant nutrient, chemical contaminants water: pH, waste contaminants fertilizer: plant nutrient, chemical/physical property crop : phytosanitary, pesticide residues pesticides: formulation at packing house / before export pesticide residues, phytosanitary, so2, micro biological, food contaminant, food nutrition, food packaging, filth and organolaptic
#Agencies responsible for analytical inspection Central area 1. The Agricultural Production Sciences Research Development Office 2. Post Harvest and Products Processing Research and Development Office 3. Plant Protection Research and Development Office Regional Area 1. Office of Agricultural Research and Development [ Region 1-8 ].