Example: dormant—to be asleep Warm Up When was the last time you were part of an argument? Who was it with (family, friends, parents) and what was it about? How did you go about defending your position? Root: dorm Meaning: sleep Example: dormant—to be asleep
THE BIG IDEA How does someone go about making an educated argument based on facts instead of opinion?
What is an Argument? When an issue is brought up, that can be interpreted different ways (ex: school uniforms, politics, civil rights), people will often come together to discuss the pros and cons. An argument is when people have opposing viewpoints on an issue and each side has the ability to express their beliefs on it.
Activity Complete the BEFORE, DURING, AFTER reading. Place an F near facts and O near opinions.
“You Danger” Questions Provide three arguments from the source that supports the position that YouTube is responsible for the behavior of kids shown. Provide three arguments from the source that support the position that YouTube is not responsible for the kids behavior.
“You Danger” Questions 3. One of the areas in dispute of the argument is that kids are influenced to behave a certain way and seek pleasure in what they see as “cool.” Part A: Identify one piece of support from the source that supports the view that kids are influenced by YouTube to behave in a certain way. Part B: Identify one piece of support from the source that supports the view that kids are not influenced by YouTube to seek pleasure in what they see on the site