Using Play therapy for more effective communication in advising Allison Ewing-Cooper, PhD University of Arizona
Objectives Learn briefly about play therapy and the potential benefits of play Explore and practice ways play can be used in advising to help our students Play!
What is Play Therapy? Use play to facilitate communication and help others Not just for children! Effective for all ages and populations Useful in all fields (not just therapy), including business, education, and advising
What are the Benefits of Play? Mind-body integration Uses the whole brain Helps us relax, feel better physically Problem-solve Better academic performance and social skills Drops filters
Lego Duck Instructions: Take the Lego blocks out of your activity bag. Construct a duck using the blocks provided and your imagination.
What does your duck look like?
Play Dough Activity Take your play dough out of your box. Find a partner you don’t know. Talk about the following: What do you like best about advising/working with college students? What play do you like best? What play have you used with your students?
What did you make with your play dough?
Paper and Crayons Draw the line of how you got to where you are now.
My Coat of Arms
Games! Get into groups of 5-6. You are lost at sea…
Play… Disarms students Relaxes students Helps students share, plan, think, decide, and dream Is fun
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