Welcome to Ms. Smith’s homeroom. Thank you for coming. Please ask Ms Welcome to Ms. Smith’s homeroom! Thank you for coming! Please ask Ms. Smith for your child’s schedule.
Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts! Thank you for coming! (No, seriously… THANK YOU!)
You don’t have to take notes… …ALL of this will be on my blog!
About Ms. Smith “Beth” is the first name I go by, but official school documents might list my name as “Madelyn Smith” or “M. Smith.” To find out more about me than you ever wanted to know, please read the “Dear New Student” letter on my blog. When you send me an email, you must put the numeral 1 after my first name: beth1.smith@cobbk12.org
I want you to know that… … I am approachable and understanding; … just because I don’t give as much homework as other classes doesn’t mean that my class is not challenging; … I am human; I make mistakes; I welcome direct communication when issues arise; … I love my job; … I love your children.
PLEASE utilize my blog! cobblearning.net/bsmith Daily summary of class activities Links to helpful websites Handouts & other attachments Homework and long-term assignment reminders Tabs with info that applies throughout the year
Grades 6 through 12 Complete instructional program, aligned to college readiness standards Students are given clear learning targets at the beginning of every activity Students engage with a wide variety of high-quality texts—fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, visuals, and film Writing instruction is embedded in each unit Student work text is consumable – very expensive to replace- we will keep these in the room for the most part
Independent Reading Students are required to have a book for personal reading EVERY DAY in AC LA. Only exception would be when a student finishes a book & needs to check out a new one Ebooks are fine with BYOD parent permission YA books- please discuss with your child
Winter Novel Study The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer (does not count as independent reading) Great if student has his/her own copy, but not required. Students may leave their book with me. Students should NOT read ahead. It sabotages my use of the text for lessons on predicting, inferencing, foreshadowing, etc. AND students spoil the book for other students. Parent letter will be on blog closer to December.
Duke Talent Identification Program Seventh graders must have a qualifying score on a standardized test in order to take the SAT or ACT Students earn recognition and possible invitation to Duke summer programs based on SAT/ACT score ALL info & registration details can be found online – Google “Duke TIP seventh grade” or check my blog