the love Bomb men’s Mastermind three essential tools for having epic sex How to effectively increase stamina, energy and pleasure
What are you going to get out of this mastermind? * the key to an effective mindset during sex * Three actionable tools for experiencing a huge improvement in your sexual experience * The Beginner’s approach and the advanced approach in each tool * Putting it into practice (Crystal Clear steps to take) * My approach of simplicity and usefulness
who Am I? * My experience * Working with men * my unique approach - practice and fun not work
Mindset (and what I mean when I say “mastery” The most important key Mindset (and what I mean when I say “mastery”
Disempowerment vs sexual mastery: why do so few men feel empowered around their sexuality?
Erections Often viewed with shame, embarrassment, hiding in youth “It has a mind of it’s own” Medicalization and Humor Some cultures grow up worshipping an erect penis Imagine if we related to an erect penis like a gorgeous bicep (symbol of sexiness and power and virility) Penis as any other part of your body that you can train and connect with
teenaged sexuality Classified as a “problem” You are there to “take something from a girlfriend” Repression/Indulgence What did you learn from you father? Very rare to see an example of a man who is a master of his own sexuality
Total lack of masterful sex education Early sexual encounters can be ill-advised and mis- informed So many of my client’s roots of their sexuality comes from early sexual experiences Brandon’s Story Easy identity of dis- empowerment can form
Self-Pleasure like you want to fuck Tool #1 Self-Pleasure like you want to fuck
Beginner’s Approach Consider the following: How long you last How you touch yourself How you breathe Whether you fantasize or watch porn Whether you are in training or in habit Your brain + sex + orgasm
Advanced Approach How you feel during self- pleasuring What you focus on
Putting it into practice Develop a Sexual Self-Pleasure Training Core Practice: Start breathing long and slow and continue this for the entire duration Touch yourself more slowly than usual and involve all parts of your penis Every 5 minutes, or every time you come close to ejaculation, stop and do 25 Prostate Pumps with awareness. Do this for a minimum of 20 minutes before ejaculation Add ons: Master your emotions: feel how you want to feel during sex (also trains you for emotional mastery in life) Address a specific sexual issue (impotence, sexual healing, porn addiction, rapid ejaculation)
Tool #2 Presence
why presence is so damn important Women’s #1 desire The science of sexuality vs the art of sexuality (presence is the only thing that gives you both: control and aliveness) Why so many men lose presence (porn + fear) Waking up the inner animal (people think of presence as being spiritual and boring - but it’s the key to your wild sexual power)
Beginners approach Sexual Sensations Five Senses
Advanced Approach Presence to an intention Healing, awakening, presence Presence to your higher self (Women f****ing love this)
Putting it into practice Make sex about your five senses Take your favorite or most accessible sense and focus on it solely during the next time that you have sex (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
Tool #3 sexual Power
Use your sexual power aka your sexual energy aka your sexual turn on The most complained about word “sexual energy” Athletes, rock stars Doesn’t matter what we call it, you know what it is
Beginners approach Feel your turn-on as something you can move Notice when it gets really concentrated and learn to disperse it
Advanced Approach Key to unlocking your full sexuality Key to lasting however long you want Key to experiencing sex on a very profound level The brain-body connection to sexual energy and power
Putting it into practice Understanding how to control sexual power and energy Breath, Focus and Relaxation
Sexual energy and power practice Every time you feel pleasure in your penis, move it in a giant circuit through your body Move up the spine and down the front of your body Do this for a 24-hour period Test how it feels the next time you self-pleasure or make love Make it second nature, rather than something ‘you have to do’
Next steps? *join the Facebook group *set up a practice *attend the next Love Bomb mastermind on June 6th, 6pm PT/9pm ET (put it in your schedule now) *Tell a friend *Look out for my new content just for men