Introductions MENU EXIT


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Presentation transcript:

Introductions MENU EXIT An introduction should capture a reader’s interest and tell what the writing will be about. Continue…

Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT An introduction should capture a reader’s interest and tell what the writing will be about. Why is the second introduction more successful than the first? Click on the i-icons to find out. It had been rumbling and smoking for months, but no one expected such a violent explosion. Then, on August 27 and 28, 1883, a thunderous eruption blew the island apart and took the lives of more than 36,000 people. The eruption of Krakatoa, a volcanic island in Indonesia, was one of the most violent natural events ever witnessed by humans. In August 1883, Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia erupted. It was a big eruption, and many people died as a result. i i Next

Introductions MENU EXIT An introduction should capture a reader’s interest and tell what the writing will be about. Why is the second introduction more successful than the first? Click on the i-icons to find out. It had been rumbling and smoking for months, but no one expected such a violent explosion. Then, on August 27 and 28, 1883, a thunderous eruption blew the island apart and took the lives of more than 36,000 people. The eruption of Krakatoa, a volcanic island in Indonesia, was one of the most violent natural events ever witnessed by humans. In August 1883, Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia erupted. It was a big eruption, and many people died as a result. i i i CLOSE This introduction paints a picture of enormous destruction, creates suspense by waiting to identify the subject (Krakatoa), and engages readers’ interest in learning more. i

Introductions MENU EXIT An introduction should capture a reader’s interest and tell what the writing will be about. Why is the second introduction more successful than the first? Click on the i-icons to find out. It had been rumbling and smoking for months, but no one expected such a violent explosion. Then, on August 27 and 28, 1883, a thunderous eruption blew the island apart and took the lives of more than 36,000 people. The eruption of Krakatoa, a volcanic island in Indonesia, was one of the most violent natural events ever witnessed by humans. In August 1883, Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia erupted. It was a big eruption, and many people died as a result. i i CLOSE This introduction is flat and uninteresting. It describes the event as a “big eruption” and says “many people died” without giving a number. There’s no suspense; readers are not engaged and have little reason to read on. i

Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A successful introduction captures the reader’s interest communicates the topic and purpose Next

Introductions MENU EXIT You can use a variety of strategies to catch your reader’s attention. Click on the strategy you want to explore. MENU Lively Description Surprising Statements Quotations Questions Direct Address Strong Opinions Anecdote

Lively Description Introductions MENU EXIT Sensory details and figurative language can add energy and interest to an introduction. Description can engage readers by painting a picture and establishing a mood. Next

Lively Description Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT How could description be used to improve this introduction? There was hardly any wind. It was a sunny day. Large clouds drifted across the sky, and now and then they obscured the sun. The prisoners had to work all day long in the field. Click to see a revision

Lively Description Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT The writer uses specific details to paint a vivid picture of the calm, peaceful scene, which contrasts subtly with the ominous introduction of prisoners. Scarcely a breath of wind disturbed the stillness of the day, and the long rows of cabbages were bright green in the sunlight. Large white clouds drifted slowly across the deep blue sky. Now and then they obscured the sun and caused a chill on the backs of the prisoners who had to work all day long in the cabbage field. —Bessie Head Menu

Surprising Statements MENU EXIT Introductions Surprising Statements Grab a reader’s attention by beginning with a surprising statement or a startling fact. Continue…

Surprising Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Introductions Surprising Statements Grab a reader’s attention by beginning with a surprising statement or a startling fact. Here are some examples: Although the birthday ditty, “Happy Birthday to You,” was written in 1883, the copyright owner earns about $2 million each year for use of the tune. Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells each second. Did you know that, at birth, the human body has about 275 bones, but adults have only about 206 bones? Next

Surprising Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Introductions Surprising Statements A surprising statement or a startling fact can make your reader want to keep reading. Continue…

Surprising Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Introductions Surprising Statements A surprising statement or a startling fact can make your reader want to keep reading. How does the first sentence grab your attention? I love to work with dying children. They’re so beautiful. Nobody knows what pearls they are. They have all the wisdom in the world.They know that they are dying. They know how and when they are dying. They teach you all about life if you can hear, if you can listen to them. —Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Click to see the answer

Surprising Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Introductions Surprising Statements A surprising statement or a startling fact can make your reader want to keep reading. How does the first sentence grab your attention? i I love to work with dying children. They’re so beautiful. Nobody knows what pearls they are. They have all the wisdom in the world. they know that they are dying. They know how and when they are dying. They teach you all about life if you can hear, if you can listen to them. —Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Menu

Surprising Statements MENU EXIT Introductions Surprising Statements A surprising statement or a startling fact can make your reader want to keep reading. How does the first sentence grab your attention? i i I love to work with dying children. They’re so beautiful. Nobody knows what pearls they are. They have all the wisdom in the world. they know that they are dying. They know how and when they are dying. They teach you all about life if you can hear, if you can listen to them. —Elisabeth Kübler-Ross CLOSE It is surprising that anyone would love to work with dying children. It seems like such a sad and depressing experience.

Quotations Introductions MENU EXIT Including a quotation can lend impact and authority to an introduction. Continue…

Quotations Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Including a quotation can lend impact and authority to an introduction. How would a quotation give this idea more impact? My friends and I get frustrated by all the problems we see in the world. We need to get a good education so we can fix them. Click to see a revision

Quotations Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Including a quotation can lend impact and authority to an introduction. Nelson Mandela is a South African statesman. Many of my high school friends are frustrated, and I understand that. I look around and see all kinds of problems in the world, and it doesn’t seem like anything will ever change. When I feel like that, I think about Nelson Mandela’s struggles, and I remember his claim that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” For me, the next few years will be my chance to get an education, because I am going to change the world. Menu

Questions Introductions MENU EXIT Starting with an engaging question involves the reader immediately by requiring at least a mental answer. Continue…

Questions Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Starting with an engaging question involves the reader immediately by requiring at least a mental answer. Here are some examples: Does the melting of the polar ice caps mean that, in 30 years, New York City will be under water? If the International Space Station produces so little of scientific value, why do scientists still support this mission? If you eat like a bird and are still gaining weight, could it be you’re getting extra calories while you sleep? Next

Questions Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT How does this question make you want to keep reading? Do you think you know what art is? An artist takes plain house paint, punches a hole in the can, and dribbles the paint on a canvas. Is that art? Famed American painter Jackson Pollock used just that technique, and art experts around the world call him one of the great painters of the last one-hundred years. Click to see an answer

Questions Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT In this case, the writer challenges the reader by asking simple yes or no questions. Revealing that the technique is used by a famous painter encourages curious readers to learn more. Do you think you know what art is? An artist takes plain house paint, punches a hole in the can, and dribbles the paint on a canvas. Is that art? Famed American painter Jackson Pollock used just that technique, and art experts around the world call him one of the great painters of the last one-hundred years. Menu

Direct Address Introductions MENU EXIT Address readers directly to immediately involve them in what you have written. Continue…

Direct Address Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Address readers directly to immediately involve them in what you have written. How does this introduction involve readers? If you’ve ever wondered how to avoid using pesticides in your garden, you can find answers from Natural Gardens, Inc. It’s easy to protect the environment and have pest-free plants. Click to see an answer

Direct Address Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Address readers directly to immediately involve them in what you have written. Using “you’ve,” “your” and “you” helps readers understand that they can do something about this problem. If you’ve ever wondered how to avoid using pesticides in your garden, you can find answers from Natural Gardens, Inc. It’s easy to protect the environment and have pest-free plants. Menu

Strong Opinions Introductions MENU EXIT Beginning with a strong opinion is likely to get your readers’ attention because it might challenge their beliefs. Continue…

Strong Opinions Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Beginning with a strong opinion is likely to get your readers’ attention because it might challenge their beliefs. How could this introduction to a persuasive essay be made more compelling? Two years ago, our school district stopped funding the district’s magnet school for the arts. Click to see a revision

Strong Opinions Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Beginning with a strong opinion is likely to get your readers’ attention because it might challenge their beliefs. In this revised introduction, the writer starts with a strong statement of opinion and then elaborates on the experience. It’s time to restart our school district’s magnet school for the arts. Two years ago, our district stopped funding this program. The school board called it a “short-term response” to a “temporary financial short-fall.” Now the opportunity to make an intense study of the arts is slipping away from many students. The district needs to find the money and bring this program back! Menu

Anecdote Introductions MENU EXIT An anecdote is an interesting or amusing brief story, often about a person. Continue…

Anecdote Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT An anecdote is an interesting or amusing brief story, often about a person. What kind of anecdote could make this introduction more interesting? None of us ever thought there was any place in the world like that lake in Maine. We returned summer after summer—always on August 1 for one month. Click to see a revision

Anecdote Introductions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT An anecdote is an interesting or amusing brief story, often about a person. These brief examples are easy for readers to imagine. One summer, along about 1904, my father rented a camp on a lake in Maine and took us all there for the month of August. We all got ringworm from some kittens and had to rub Pond’s Extract on our arms and legs night and morning, and my father rolled over in the canoe with all his clothes on; but outside of that the vacation was a success and from then on none of us ever thought there was any place in the world like that lake in Maine. We returned summer after summer—always on August 1 for one month. —E. B. White, “Once More to the Lake” Menu

MENU EXIT Conclusions A conclusion should wrap up the ideas and leave readers with a strong final impression. Continue…

Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A conclusion should wrap up the ideas and leave readers with a strong final impression. Why is the second conclusion more successful than the first? Click on the i-icons to find out. Finally, the Black Death petered out somewhere in Kiev. During its long rampage, between one-third and one-half of the population of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East died. No natural disaster before or since has caused such devastation of human life over such a large area. It was one of the greatest catastrophes in human history. —Diana Childress, “Like Black Smoke” In conclusion, the Black Death killed a lot of people in Europe. It was a huge disaster. i i Next

MENU EXIT Conclusions A conclusion should wrap up the ideas and leave readers with a strong final impression. Why is the second conclusion more successful than the first? Click on the i-icons to find out. i In conclusion, the Black Death killed a lot of people in Europe. It was a huge disaster. i Finally, the Black Death petered out somewhere in Kiev. During its long rampage, between one-third and one-half of the population of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East died. No natural disaster before or since has caused such devastation of human life over such a large area. It was one of the greatest catastrophes in human history. —Diana Childress, “Like Black Smoke” CLOSE i This conclusion summarizes the history of the Black Death, tells why the information is important, and leaves a strong final impression.

MENU EXIT Conclusions A conclusion should wrap up the ideas and leave readers with a strong final impression. Why is the second conclusion more successful than the first? Click on the i-icons to find out. i i In conclusion, the Black Death killed a lot of people in Europe. It was a huge disaster. CLOSE This conclusion begins with unnecessary words, does not summarize the information, and does not leave readers with a strong final impression. Finally, the Black Death petered out somewhere in Kiev. During its long rampage, between one-third and one-half of the population of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East died. No natural disaster before or since has caused such devastation of human life over such a large area. It was one of the greatest catastrophes in human history. —Diana Childress, “Like Black Smoke” i

Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A successful conclusion should sum up the ideas you have developed follow logically from what has gone before leave the reader with something to think about A successful conclusion should not introduce new facts, ideas, or arguments repeat the introduction be a listing of information that was presented include words like “in conclusion” or “to summarize” Next

MENU EXIT Conclusions You can write a satisfying conclusion by using a variety of strategies. Click on the strategy you want to explore. MENU Restate the Main Idea Summarize the Major Points Issue a Call to Action State the Significance Ask a Question Make a Prediction

Restate the Main Idea Conclusions MENU EXIT Restate the main idea to reinforce the topic in the reader’s mind. Continue…

Restate the Main Idea Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Restate the main idea to reinforce the topic in the reader’s mind. Which sentence in this paragraph strengthens the conclusion by restating the main idea? Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 150 million years, but 65 million years ago their reign ended. Although there are still questions about what caused them to become extinct, it seems clear that changes in climate played a role. The inability of the dinosaurs to adapt to climate change brought about their downfall. Click to view the main idea

Restate the Main Idea Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Restate the main idea to reinforce the topic in the reader’s mind. This restatement leaves readers with a strong final idea that will be easy to remember. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 150 million years, but 65 million years ago their reign ended. Although there are still questions about what caused them to become extinct, it seems clear that changes in climate played a role. The inability of the dinosaurs to adapt to climate change brought about their downfall. Menu

Summarize the Major Points MENU EXIT Conclusions Summarize the Major Points Remind the reader of your key ideas by summarizing the major points of what you’ve written. Continue…

Summarize the Major Points PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Conclusions Summarize the Major Points Remind the reader of your key ideas by summarizing the major points of what you’ve written. This conclusion ends a proposal that contains several recommendations. Where could you add recommendations to this conclusion? This battle won’t be won overnight. It will involve a long campaign to sway public opinion. But if we follow my suggestions, we can and will have safer streets, safer neighborhoods, and, finally, safer lives. Click to see a revision

Summarize the Major Points PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Conclusions Summarize the Major Points Remind the reader of your key ideas by summarizing the major points of what you’ve written. The specific list of suggestions makes this conclusion stronger and more memorable. This battle won’t be won overnight. It will involve a long campaign to sway public opinion. But if we follow my suggestions—form a steering committee, run public service advertisements, and lobby the city council—we can and will have safer streets, safer neighborhoods, and, finally, safer lives. Menu

Issue a Call to Action Conclusions MENU EXIT Write a call to action to lend energy to a conclusion, especially in persuasive writing. Continue…

Issue a Call to Action Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Write a call to action to lend energy to a conclusion, especially in persuasive writing. Just this once, look away from the profit margins and mirrors and catwalks and fashion glossies, and give a little thought to the animals. The world is bigger than New York, Paris, and Milan, full of strange and wonderful creatures, and they are not doing “just fine.” —Matthew Scully, “The Last Gasps of the Fur Trade” Click to see the call to action

Issue a Call to Action Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Write a call to action to lend energy to a conclusion, especially in persuasive writing. i Just this once, look away from the profit margins and mirrors and catwalks and fashion glossies, and give a little thought to the animals. The world is bigger than New York, Paris, and Milan, full of strange and wonderful creatures, and they are not doing “just fine.” —Matthew Scully, “The Last Gasps of the Fur Trade” Menu

Issue a Call to Action Conclusions MENU EXIT Write a call to action to lend energy to a conclusion, especially in persuasive writing. i Just this once, look away from the profit margins and mirrors and catwalks and fashion glossies, and give a little thought to the animals. The world is bigger than New York, Paris, and Milan, full of strange and wonderful creatures, and they are not doing “just fine.” —Matthew Scully, “The Last Gasps of the Fur Trade” i CLOSE The call to action reinforces the idea of paying attention to the animals used in the fur trade.

State the Significance MENU EXIT Conclusions State the Significance You can effectively sum up your feelings about your topic by stating its significance. Continue…

Click to see the statement of significance PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Conclusions State the Significance You can effectively sum up your feelings about your topic by stating its significance. True to her promise, Susan paid the legal expenses for the three inspectors. With the help of contributions from sympathetic admirers, she paid the costs of her own trial. But she never paid that one-hundred-dollar fine. Susan B. Anthony was a woman of her word as well as a woman of courage. —Margaret Truman, “The United States vs. Susan B. Anthony” Click to see the statement of significance

State the Significance PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Conclusions State the Significance You can effectively sum up your feelings about your topic by stating its significance. i True to her promise, Susan paid the legal expenses for the three inspectors. With the help of contributions from sympathetic admirers, she paid the costs of her own trial. But she never paid that one-hundred-dollar fine. Susan B. Anthony was a woman of her word as well as a woman of courage. —Margaret Truman, “The United States vs. Susan B. Anthony” Menu

State the Significance MENU EXIT Conclusions State the Significance You can effectively sum up your feelings about your topic by stating its significance. i True to her promise, Susan paid the legal expenses for the three inspectors. With the help of contributions from sympathetic admirers, she paid the costs of her own trial. But she never paid that one-hundred-dollar fine. Susan B. Anthony was a woman of her word as well as a woman of courage. —Margaret Truman, “The United States vs. Susan B. Anthony” i CLOSE In this last statement, the writer powerfully reveals her admiration for Susan B. Anthony, an early fighter for women’s rights.

Ask a Question Conclusions MENU EXIT Ending with a question encourages your reader to reflect on what you’ve said. Continue…

Ask a Question Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Ending with a question encourages your reader to reflect on what you’ve said. How might a writer use a question to give this conclusion more impact? At the end of the movie, Tyler has won back some measure of self-respect. His demons weren’t easy to conquer, and he may never be entirely free of them. Nevertheless, he confronted them, beat the odds, and earned a chance for a new start in life. Click to see a revision

Ask a Question Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Ending with a question encourages your reader to reflect on what you’ve said. At the end of the movie, Tyler has won back some measure of self-respect. His demons weren’t easy to conquer, and he may never be entirely free of them. Nevertheless, he confronted them, beat the odds, and earned a chance for a new start in life.

Ask a Question Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Ending with a question encourages your reader to reflect on what you’ve said. At the end of the movie, Tyler has won back some measure of self-respect. His demons weren’t easy to conquer, and he may never be entirely free of them. Nevertheless, he confronted them, beat the odds, and earned a chance for a new start in life. How many of us would be able to summon the courage and resolve of Tyler Freeman?

Ask a Question Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Ending with a question encourages your reader to reflect on what you’ve said. At the end of the movie, Tyler has won back some measure of self-respect. His demons weren’t easy to conquer, and he may never be entirely free of them. Nevertheless, he confronted them, beat the odds, and earned a chance for a new start in life. How many of us would be able to summon the courage and resolve of Tyler Freeman? i Menu

Ask a Question Conclusions MENU EXIT Ending with a question encourages your reader to reflect on what you’ve said. At the end of the movie, Tyler has won back some measure of self-respect. His demons weren’t easy to conquer, and he may never be entirely free of them. Nevertheless, he confronted them, beat the odds, and earned a chance for a new start in life. How many of us would be able to summon the courage and resolve of Tyler Freeman? i CLOSE The final question encourages readers to make a connection between their lives and Tyler’s experiences.

Make a Prediction Conclusions MENU EXIT A prediction challenges the reader to accept your conclusions about your topic. Continue…

Make a Prediction Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A prediction challenges the reader to accept your conclusions about your topic. How would adding a prediction to this conclusion change the impression left on readers? The exploration of the solar system will be neither inexpensive nor without considerable risk. Enormous technological challenges will have to be met, and personal sacrifices will be needed. Click to see a revision

Make a Prediction Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A prediction challenges the reader to accept your conclusions about your topic. The exploration of the solar system will be neither inexpensive nor without considerable risk. Enormous technological challenges will have to be met, and personal sacrifices will be needed.

Make a Prediction Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A prediction challenges the reader to accept your conclusions about your topic. The exploration of the solar system will be neither inexpensive nor without considerable risk. Enormous technological challenges will have to be met, and personal sacrifices will be needed. challenges and make those sacrifices and that by mid-century we’ll be heading out to space with the same purpose and determination that characterized the settlement of the American West. I believe that we will meet those

Make a Prediction Conclusions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A prediction challenges the reader to accept your conclusions about your topic. The exploration of the solar system will be neither inexpensive nor without considerable risk. Enormous technological challenges will have to be met, and personal sacrifices will be needed. challenges and make those sacrifices and that by mid-century we’ll be heading out to space with the same purpose and determination that characterized the settlement of the American West. I believe that we will meet those i Menu

Make a Prediction Conclusions MENU EXIT A prediction challenges the reader to accept your conclusions about your topic. The exploration of the solar system will be neither inexpensive nor without considerable risk. Enormous technological challenges will have to be met, and personal sacrifices will be needed. challenges and make those sacrifices and that by mid-century we’ll be heading out to space with the same purpose and determination that characterized the settlement of the American West. I believe that we will meet those i CLOSE The prediction adds elements of hope and determination to the writer’s ideas.

Thesis Statements MENU EXIT A thesis statement contains the main idea or message of a composition. Continue…

Thesis Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A thesis statement contains the main idea or message of a composition. To find the thesis, look for the sentence that best explains what the essay will be about. Which sentence in this paragraph provides that information? The eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in A.D. 79 resulted in a perfectly preserved moment in history. Tragically, about 2,000 inhabitants died when the volcano erupted. Their homes were buried under volcanic ash, which preserved the artifacts and details of their daily lives. Click to see the essay topic

Thesis Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A thesis statement contains the main idea or message of a composition. This is the thesis sentence. It indicates the topic of the essay and the writer’s opinion about that topic. The eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in A.D. 79 resulted in a perfectly preserved moment in history. Tragically, about 2,000 inhabitants died when the volcano erupted. Their homes were buried under volcanic ash, which preserved the artifacts and details of their daily lives. Next

Thesis Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A successful thesis statement is usually one sentence is a statement, not a question identifies the subject of the essay or composition takes a stand rather than simply announcing a subject is narrow and specific enough to be fully supported A thesis statement may also preview the main ideas of the essay and set the tone. Next

Click to see successful thesis statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Which of these sentences are successful thesis statements? Wolves have an impressive variety of communication abilities, including visual signals with ears and tails and howling and other vocalizations. Each wolf pack is led by two individuals. Today, because of habitat destruction and excessive hunting, wolves live in only a portion of their former range. Wolves have an interesting history. Click to see successful thesis statements

Thesis Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT These two thesis statements are successful because they express specific ideas and suggest the direction the essay will take. Wolves have an impressive variety of communication abilities, including visual signals with ears and tails and howling and other vocalizations. Each wolf pack is led by two individuals. Today, because of habitat destruction and excessive hunting, wolves live in only a portion of their former range. Wolves have an interesting history. i i Next

Thesis Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT When you revise your writing, be sure your thesis statement is as strong as it should be. Continue…

Thesis Statements MENU EXIT When you revise your writing, be sure your thesis statement is as strong as it should be. When you write thesis sentences, you should avoid the following common errors. Click on the error you want to explore. MENU Simple statements of fact Simple announcements Broad, general opinions

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Simple Statements of Fact PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Simple Statements of Fact Statements of fact cannot be thesis statements because they do not take a position or suggest a direction for the writing. How would you change this statement of fact into a thesis? The pioneers on the Oregon trail faced many hardships. Click to see a revision

Simple Statements of Fact PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Simple Statements of Fact Statements of fact cannot be thesis statements because they do not take a position or suggest a direction for the writing. The revised thesis expresses an opinion about the topic, rather than just stating a fact. It also previews the main ideas of the essay. The pioneers on the Oregon Trail faced many hardships. ORIGINAL REVISED The pioneers on the Oregon Trail bravely faced many hardships, including disease, terrible weather, accidents, hunger, and thirst. Menu

Simple Announcements Thesis Statements MENU EXIT A simple announcement doesn’t express a point of view or preview the main ideas of the composition. Continue…

Simple Announcements Thesis Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A simple announcement doesn’t express a point of view or preview the main ideas of the composition. How would you rewrite this statement to make it an effective thesis? In the following paper, I am going to write about impressionist painting. Click to see a revision

Simple Announcements Thesis Statements PREVIOUS MENU EXIT A simple announcement doesn’t express a point of view or preview the main ideas of the composition. This revised thesis expresses a point of view and previews the main ideas. It does not mention the paper and avoids the first person reference. Two of the greatest techniques developed by impressionist painters were loose brushwork and the use of brilliant color. Menu

Broad, General Opinions MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Broad, General Opinions The statement of an opinion should be specific and narrow enough to be fully supported. Continue…

Broad, General Opinions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Broad, General Opinions The statement of an opinion should be specific and narrow enough to be fully supported. How would you revise this broad statement? The melting of the Artic ice cap is an environmental disaster. Click to see a revision

Broad, General Opinions MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Broad, General Opinions The statement of an opinion should be specific and narrow enough to be fully supported. How would you revise this broad statement? The melting of the Artic ice cap is an environmental disaster.

Broad, General Opinions MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Broad, General Opinions The statement of an opinion should be specific and narrow enough to be fully supported. The melting of the Artic ice cap is an environmental disaster. The melting of the Artic ice cap is an environmental disaster. .

Broad, General Opinions MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Broad, General Opinions The statement of an opinion should be specific and narrow enough to be fully supported. The melting of the Artic ice cap

Broad, General Opinions MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Broad, General Opinions The statement of an opinion should be specific and narrow enough to be fully supported. The melting of the Artic ice cap will affect not only the animals and people in the Artic region but also weather patterns and coastlines worldwide.

Broad, General Opinions PREVIOUS MENU EXIT Thesis Statements Broad, General Opinions The statement of an opinion should be specific and narrow enough to be fully supported. This thesis statement gives specific reasons that can be supported with evidence. will affect not only the animals and people in the Artic region but also weather patterns and coastlines worldwide. The melting of the Artic ice cap Menu