Like a Kid in a Candy Store ServicePoint Features Presenters: Hunter Belgard – Portland Housing Bureau Cecilia Bonvino – Community Action Michelle Helm – Portland Housing Bureau
Goals of this session: To highlight some of the other features that ServicePoint has to offer You will be armed with tools to hopefully make counting, tracking, using information easier You will apply one of these tools in your day-to-day work
What do we have in ServicePoint? Case Plans & Goals Referral Module Case Plans & Goals allow you to create, manage and track client goals. This includes creating action steps, scheduling goal follow-up dates, and recording case notes. Referral Module allows you to refer clients to providers that offer the services clients are seeking. After a referral has been issued, ServicePoint provides the ability to follow up on the referral. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
What do we have in ServicePoint? Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix FundManager Dashboard Reports FundManager allows you to track the allotment of funds from various sources. Integrates with service transactions, allowing you to see not only how funds are being used, but also who the funds are helping. Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix allows case managers to measure a client’s progress to self-sufficiency from a holistic approach, within domains such as Shelter, Income, and Life Skills. Dashboard Reports provide quick access to customizable client list reports on your homepage. A great way to track case loads. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
What do we have in ServicePoint? ActivityPoint CallPoint SkanPoint CallPoint – a way to track and count Call Records, collect information on each caller, and flag calls for follow-up - all from one screen! Calls can are captured without creating a Named Client Profile in ServicePoint. ActivityPoint is used to create, schedule, and manage day-to-day events and activities, such as community educational sessions, volunteer sessions, field trips, and meetings. You can also manage and track participants and/or volunteers attending these events. SkanPoint – A very quick and convenient way to create many Service Transactions at once. Create a Service from a ShelterPoint bedlist, your own created list or even from a Skan bar code on a piece of paper or ID card. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix Choose Your Top 3 Picks Case Plans/Goals Referral Module Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix FundManager Dashboard Reports ActivityPoint CallPoint SkanPoint This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Case Plans and Goals Sort Goals by Classification and Type Assign Case Manager to Goal Create reminders – Projected Follow up Reminders: Home visits, 6 month follow ups… on Home Page Dashboard Track specific Goals by Status, Outcomes, Date, Case Manager – ART Report 0404 Consistency is key!
Referral Module Refer clients to Service Providers in SP Send email to Service Provider’s point person Coordinated Entry at different levels (Agency/County) Outgoing/Incoming referrals count on Summary page and Home page Dashboard Referrals canned reports to track outcomes
Fund Manager Incredibly versatile tool for tracking funds (grants, donations, rent payments, utility, etc.) Applied in a simple a more in depth application Funds have amazing customization. From a Service Type to detailed amounts per provider or even by percentage Built-in reporting for all users
Fund Manager The most basic application – Create a Service Transation and "Add Fund Source" The most complex application
Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix Tool to assess the client’s situation over time, from a holistic approach 18 domains (rate 1-5) Eg. Life Skills 1 - Unable to meet basic needs such as hygiene, food, activities of daily living. 2 - Can meet a few but not all needs without assistance. 3 - Can meet most but not all needs without assistance. 4 - Able to meet all basic needs with out assistance. 5 - Able to provide beyond basic needs for self and family. N/A Optional comment box
Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix Click “Show Summary” to see charts and visuals Points of measurement: Initial Interim Final Follow Up Domains: Shelter/Housing, Employment, Income, Food and Nutrition, Child Care, Children’s Ed., Adult Ed., Health Care Coverage, Life Skills, Mobility, Parenting Skills, Legal, Mental Health… ART reports
Dashboard Reports Lower section of the Homepage, click the downward arrow to open Add Counts Reports Pick up to 4 reports from 46 options: System Admin reports Program Manager reports End User/Case Manager reports Customizable, displays in four quadrants System Wide, by provider, or reporting group Date ranges Eg. daily, quarterly, annually
Dashboard Reports Reports refresh every time you view your homepage Large reports not recommended for slower computers Click blue number hyperlinks to see report “My Clients” – all client records where you have been assigned as a Case Manager Other uses: Data quality, tracking expired ROIs, clients served – lots of possibilities!
Call Point Designed for incoming call centers providing information and referral, 211info Fantastic report for number of calls, call length, etc. Collect customized Information Choose to connect the caller to Client Point Applications are endless! From front desk calls to eligibility tracking
Activity Point Create events/classes with one or multiple sessions Track Enrollment – Wait list/Drop list Attendance – canned report attendance statistics Volunteers – time sheets
SkanPoint Amazing time saving potential! Create the same service in multiple records in moments 4 potential ways to select records. *By Client Id # *By ShelterPoint Bedlist "Unit List" *By created list *By ID card, Bar Code Skanner
Thank You! Have Fun! Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Want more information? Contact us! Contact your System Administrator! Use the "?"