Training and Development Proposal
Why Develop Employees Points of Contention Understanding employees strengths and weaknesses To strengthen development plans Identify high-potential employees To Incorporate the companies culture, goals and objectives. To assess employee growth Points of Contention
Positive Climate positive emotions predominate over negative emotions in the work environment. Leaders enable this by emphasizing positive opportunities and relationships. Positive Climate
Mentoring Provides a Protégé and a comfort zone Mentoring Provides a Protégé and a comfort zone. Coaching Employees Become more self-reliant and Take greater Responsibility and accountability for their work Mentoring & Coaching
Succession Planning & Job Rotation Job Rotation helps Develop Skills in Various Areas of a job Succession Planning Track High-Potential Employees Succession Planning & Job Rotation
Employees have to have a hand in the constructing a development system Employees have to have a hand in the constructing a development system. Once this is achieved growth will follow. Summary