The American Revolution 1.02 Getting the idea: The traditions of British law and the political philosophy of the Enlightenment guided the development of the early American colonies and the founding of the United States. British actions such as taxes and quartering soldiers led early Americans to revolt against Britain and win independence.
Early Foundations of Law and Government The Magna Carta, or Great Charter, limited the power of the king by granting liberties to certain subjects Drawn up in 1215 Guaranteed rights such as the right to a fair trial and protection from having property seized without due process of law. Basis of British common law-based on customs and court rather than laws
Natural Rights Parliament, a legislative body= The beginning of representative government. Their first action was to pass the “British Bill of Rights” British Bill of Rights Recognized a number of natural rights, Rights you have by simply being people ~Life, liberty, property~ Also guaranteed the right to a fair trial before a jury of peers Guaranteed freedom of speech Rights guaranteed by the British Bill of Rights were later included in the U.S Constitution.
Ideas of Enlightenment Social Contract Theory ~ Government comes from the consent of the governed ~ Individuals agree to join together equally under a common law for protection against violence, for protection of their rights, and to achieve a common good. The Pilgrims drew up a contract called the Mayflower Compact. The colonist established a system of law under which they would live. Direct Democracy Fundamental Orders of Connecticut- established the basis for the political and legal system there. The House of Burgesses, established in Jamestown, VA was the first representative governing body.
Discontent With Foreign Rule 1.03 In the 1600’s the British government passes a series of NAVIGATION ACTS. Which stated that the British colonies can only trade with the Mother Country. During this time though the colonies enjoyed a period of “Salutary neglect” The British did not pay too close attention to its American colonies so they spent a relatively free period of self-government.
Between 1754 and 1763, Britain and France fought the French and Indian War. The British government started taxing the colonists to help pay for the war. The period of Salutary Neglect was over! The British began introducing a system of taxation that continued for the next two decades The colonists considered these laws unfair…but what could they do?
The British Government Acts….. Proclamation of 1763- Prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. Writs of Assistance- Passed in 1760’s gave British officers the authority to search people’s homes for smuggled goods WITHOUT a warrant Stamp Act- Passed in 1765- Placed a tax on all materials printed on paper, including newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards. Sons of Liberty- publicly burned British stamps Boycotting starting occurring all over the colonies Stamp Act Congress- Protested the Stamp Act. Sent a petition to the king that stated that the Colonies could not be taxed except with the consent of their elected assemblies The Stamp Act was repealed<canceled
…The Acts Continued The Declaratory Act- passed in 1766- Stated that Britain could tax the colonists without consulting them. Quartering Act- 1765- The colonists were required by law to provide temporary housing and food to British soldiers. The colonists considered this an unwanted intrusion into their privacy.
The Seeds of Rebellion The British government became alarmed that the colonist had so much resentment towards the government! The British sent troops to keep order. In 1770 a group of Boston citizens taunted a British regiment, and the regiment killed five people….. THE BOSTON MASSACRE The Sons of Liberty formed printing anti-British literature…. Driven by a “Committee of Correspondence”
The Boston Tea Party Occurred in 1773 American merchants protested that the lower prices charged by the British (due to the Tea Act) would hurt their business. Members of the Sons of Liberty dressed up as American Indians and boarded British ships and dumped the tea into the harbor The British Government passed the strictest laws ever, they were called the Coercive Acts. The Colonists called them the “Intolerable Acts”
The Albany Plan of Union Pamphlets like Thomas Paine’s Common Sense argued for independence In 1774 The First Continental Congress was established… The focus was getting the colonies’ rights restored. However, some delegates wanted to create an independent republican union of states In 1754 Benjamin Franklin helped draft the Albany Plan of Union * This was an effort to unite the colonies for their common defense The Albany Plan of Union
King George III did not respond well to the growing resistance by the colonies After the 1st Continental Congress sent a letter demanding their rights back or else face continuous boycotting from the colonies…the King responded by force. The first battles of the Revolutionary War took place in Massachusetts at Lexington and Concord * “the shot heard ‘round the world”- the shot that started the revolutionary war The 2nd Continental Congress met to discuss Independence The Declaration of Independence- Signed in 1776. Listed the many abuses the colonies had suffered under the British King.
Assignment Write a 2 paragraph paper justifying the colonist right to rebel against the British or the British right to keep their colonies. This is due tomorrow, 2-12-10
Remember 3s and 4s on the EOC The End!! Thank you for paying attention!! Remember 3s and 4s on the EOC