Direct Object Pronouns
What are direct and indirect objects? There are two types of objects There are two types of objects Direct Objects Direct Objects Indirect Objects Indirect Objects We are going to use the following sentence as a model for the rest of the lesson: We are going to use the following sentence as a model for the rest of the lesson: Georges threw the ball to Jean. Georges threw the ball to Jean.
Direct Objects Direct objects DIRECTLY receive the action of the verb. Direct objects DIRECTLY receive the action of the verb. Direct objects answer the question what or whom. Direct objects answer the question what or whom. Lets go back to our model: Lets go back to our model: Georges threw the ball to Jean. Georges threw the ball to Jean. What did Georges throw? What did Georges throw? The ball! The ball is the direct object. The ball! The ball is the direct object.
Direct Object Pronouns Direct object pronouns replace direct objects. Direct object pronouns replace direct objects. In English the direct object pronouns are: me, you, it, him, her, us, them. In English the direct object pronouns are: me, you, it, him, her, us, them. Lets go back to our sentence: Lets go back to our sentence: Georges threw the ball to Jean. Georges threw the ball to Jean. Direct object: the ball Direct object: the ball Pronoun to replace the ball: it Pronoun to replace the ball: it George threw it to Jean. George threw it to Jean.
French Direct Object Pronouns Continued!! Lets translate our sentence into French: Lets translate our sentence into French: Georges threw the ball to Jean. Georges threw the ball to Jean. Georges a lancé le ballon à Jean. Georges a lancé le ballon à Jean. If ball is the direct object in English, what is the direct object in French: If ball is the direct object in English, what is the direct object in French: Le ballon Le ballon Le ballon is masculine singular, therefore we must use LE to replace le ballon. Le ballon is masculine singular, therefore we must use LE to replace le ballon. Remember, in the passé composé, object pronouns go before the helping verb. Remember, in the passé composé, object pronouns go before the helping verb.
Une nouvelle phrase Georges a lancé à Jean. Georges a lancé a Juan. le ballon (le) l
A votre tour! Caroline écrit la lettre à sa grand-mère. Caroline écrit la lettre à sa grand-mère. Le prof parle le français. Le prof parle le français.