IFC Report 2/5/19
Legislative Updates Budget Changes to Title IX No reduction in the governor’s proposed budget for FY20 State’s financials have changed from $300 million surplus to $500-900 million deficit. May be a withhold/rescission this year (FY19). TPMC and Conservatory have been requested as capital projects Governor earmarked $1 million for “nuclear medicine,” but System understands it’s for the TPMC Changes to Title IX Addition of ability of the accused to cross-examine the accuser People may go outside of organization to seek remedy Fine of up to $250k for any administrator who violates due process rights President’s position is to have a fair process that does not cause a “chilling effect”
eLearning Parthenon has provided insights into current eLearning programs and supports; has provided a lot of information about questions we didn't even know to ask MU has 5-10% of market share in MO, less than some lesser universities Confirmed market need for online education in MO Current strengths include offering courses Need to improve on “pre-matriculation activity” and “post-matriculation” Time is pressing; market opportunities are being taken by outside universities like ASU and DePaul Want to continue serving current students as well Want to focus on adult learners not currently being served
Department Chair Hiring & Recruitment President still gathering feedback Decision to be made in April
UMRB Grants Moving from UMRB grants to Strategic Initiative grants (Tier 3) in FY20 Tentative plan: up to $75,000 ($50k from System, $25k from campus) $50 million ($10 million/year x 5 yrs) for Strategic Initiative program Tier 1 $2-4 million, 100% match Tier 2 $0.5-1.5 million, 50% match
Ongoing IFC Tasks NTT Contracts Promotion & Tenure/Mid-Career Faculty Development Task Force