Job Interviews Lecture 16
Before Employment messages Résumés Cover Letters
Interviews What are interviewers looking for? How to prepare How to act during Verbal Non Verbal How to finish and follow up
Interviews When applying for a job or scholarship, if you get an interview, it means you have a good chance
Interviews It is your chance to show your personality It is their chance to see how well you will fit in at their school/job
Interviews Many schools and jobs are difficult. The purpose of the interview is to see how well you can handle the job/scholarship
Interviews In order to do well in the interview, we must prepare in the following ways:
Interviews In order to do well in the interview, we must prepare in the following ways:
Preparation Know yourself! Review résumé, cover letter, and anything else you have given to the interviewer
Preparation Know your goals Think about long term (5-10 year) life objectives. Think: “How will this job/scholarship help me reach these goals?”
Preparation Analyze your strengths and weaknesses What are you good/bad at? What subjects would you like to spend more/less time talking about
Preparation Research! Find out everything you can about the job or school to learn about what kind of people they are looking for
Preparation Research! If possible, talk to someone you know at the company/school to get insider information
Preparation Practice Conduct a practice interview with a friend/family member Have them evaluate what you did well and what you did badly
Before the interview After you have prepared, do the following things right before your interview to make a good first impression and to make yourself feel comfortable
Before the interview Know the exact time and place of the interview Give yourself plenty of time and show up at least 15 minutes early
Before the interview Dress for success Formal clothes Neat hairstyle Trimmed fingernails Shave!
Before the interview Go alone If you get a ride from a parent or friend, have them leave you and pick you up once the interview is done
What to bring Pens, notebook Copy of your résumé/cover letter Breath mint (for right before)
What not to bring Cell phone (turn off) iPod Gum Cigarettes Candy Soda or coffee Scuffed shoes, messy and/or not-so-clean clothes
How to act The two most important qualities to show during an interview are: Passion A positive attitude
How to act The two most important qualities to show during an interview are: Passion A positive attitude
How to act The two most important qualities to show during an interview are: Passion A positive attitude
Interview Introduction Interviews may last anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours, but most interviewers have made their decision after the first 5 minutes. First impressions are critical! Use the following techniques to guarantee you make a good one.
Interview Introduction Be polite Address your interviewer as Mr. _______ or Mrs. until they ask you to do something different Stand and wait to sit until you are asked to
Interview Introduction Be polite Shake your interviewer`s hand in a strong and confident way A weak handshake is a big mistake!
How to Act We will now discuss: Non-verbal (unspoken) Verbal (spoken)
Non-verbal strategies Much of your communication is based not on what you say, but on how you stand, how you look, where you stand, etc. We call these non-verbal strategies
Non-verbal Strategies Eye Contact Maintain strong eye contact when listening and when speaking This shows you are both interested and confident
Non-verbal Strategies Facial expressions Smile! Keep a neutral or positive facial expression. Practice in the mirror or on a video tape to see how you can improve your natural expression
Non-verbal Strategies Posture Stand tall, walk tall, and sit tall. Shows the interviewer are confident You may lean forward at times to show you are interested
Non-verbal Strategies Limit gestures/body language Using too many gestures will make you seem like a cartoon character Keep gestures to a minimum
Non-verbal Strategies Personal space Be aware of your own and others’ personal space. Stand your ground, but don’t invade other people’s space
Verbal Strategies The way you speak and what you say is equally important These are called: Verbal strategies
Verbal Strategies The way you speak and what you say is equally important These are called: Verbal strategies
Verbal Strategies Take your time If you do not understand the question, ask the interviewer to repeat it. If you are not sure about the answer, take a moment to think about it
Verbal Strategies Be specific One of the worst mistakes is being too general Answer interviewers questions with specific stories and examples
Verbal Strategies A specific situation When asked a question, include the following information in your answer: A specific situation The tasks that needed to be done The action you took The results i.e. what happened
Verbal Strategies Be confident "To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best. If you`re not, pretend you are.“ Muhammad Ali
Verbal Strategies Be confident There is no right or wrong answer to a question, only how the answer is received by the interviewer Answer in a confident way and the interviewer will believe you
Closing the interview At the end of the interview, you will want to do some things to ensure that you are prepared for the rest of the job/scholarship process
Closing the interview Repeat your interest in the position. Ask about the next step in the process. It's important for you to know the next step so you can follow up. Find out how to contact them. If you don't hear back, you will need to know who to contact.
Closing the interview Leave with a good handshake Thank the interviewer for their time Leave right away! Don’t hang around the office/school/etc.
Following up Send a short thank you note to everyone you spoke with Call 2-3 days later to see how you are doing in the application process
Tomorrow The parts of the interview Typical interview questions and answers Good questions to ask the interviewer