Geography 5 Themes What is a theme topic? What, do you suppose, might the 5 theme (topics) of geography be? Geography 5 Themes
5 themes of Geography Location Where is it? Absolute location: degrees of latitude and longitude. Relative location: point of reference, e.g., near, far, a short drive. 5 themes of Geography
5 themes of Geography 2 . Place What is it like? Physical Characteristics: landforms (mountains, plains, etc.) bodies of water (oceans, lakes, bay, etc.) ecosystems (soil, plants, animals, and climate) Human Characteristics – Bridges, dams, canals roads buildings culture language All places have features that distinguish them from other places. 5 themes of Geography
5 themes of Geography 3. Human/Environment Interaction How do people interact with and change their environment? Dams, canals, fields, tunnels, pollution, How does the environment affect human life? (Activities, culture, food, disasters) 5 themes of Geography
5 themes of Geography 4. Movement How are people and places linked by communication and the flow of people, ideas and goods? Transportation Communication Trade Patterns of movement such as migration linkages and connections 5 themes of Geography
5 themes of Geography 5. Regions What are their unifying features and how do they form and change over time? Regions are a basic unit for geographic study. Geographers divide the world into regions to help them interpret events. Regions can be defined on the basis of: physical and human characteristics. For example: The Pacific Northwest, The Midwest, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa 5 themes of Geography
Note-taking techniques Bullet points Indent with new ideas Mark with detail Two-column notes Recall Inference/prediction Visual representations Analysis Note-taking techniques
Note-processing techniques Mind Map Annotated Summary Bloom’s ______ for 5 Two-column restate Study guide Symbols and metaphors Note-processing techniques
Mind Map
Mind Map
Mind Map Rubric
Mind Map Review Get your peers’ Mind Map. Find the Map’s author. On the back: Your name Compliment, specific to rubric Grade ____/20 pts Find the Map’s author. Meet them; give a verbal compliment. Get back your Mind Map. Self-reflection (how well did this note-processing strategy work?) Mind Map Review