LBTH Growth and Economic Development Division 10th May 2017 April 2018 Communities Driving Change April 2018
Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2020 5 Priorities: Communities Driving Change Creating a Healthier Place Employment and Health Children’s Weight and Nutrition Developing an Integrated System
What are we trying to achieve? We will support residents to: Identify issues impacting on health and wellbeing that matter to local people Recruit other residents who have the energy and passion to make a difference Develop and lead new ways to improve health and wellbeing locally In 3 years more people will: Feel in control of their health and informed to make positive changes Support each other around their health and wellbeing Take joint action on issues that affect their health and wellbeing Get involved in shaping local services
How will this be different? Local people defining outcomes Local people developing action plans Working across the life course Bringing people from all backgrounds together Working with the whole community rather than ‘at risk’ groups or individuals Working with statutory service providers Building on what’s already there and adding value Delivering change rather than services
How will we do this? NW: The Young Foundation NE: Bromley by Bow Centre SE: Poplar & Limehouse Network SW: MyTime Active UEL Process and evaluation support
Phase 2: Community engagement How will we do this? Phase 1: Scoping Layering of evidence to select areas of focus - Data - Asset mapping - Stakeholder engagement - Review of previous research, programmes, insights Phase 2: Community engagement Refining scope Determining delivery – action plans Co-designing performance metrics Phase 3: Delivery Delivery Reflection Review Operational and strategic October 17- January 18 February 18 – April 18 3+1+1 years contract….
What have we found so far in the North West? Emerging themes Areas of high deprivation and related health issues Disempowerment and disconnection ASB, drugs and substance misuse issues Advice and information services Social isolation Perceptions of safety Community integration Housing, debt and homelessness
What have we found so far in the South West? Emerging themes Areas of high deprivation and related health issues Substance misuse and drug dealing Opportunities from local infrastructure and assets Demographic shift, social isolation and community cohesion Living conditions and domestic abuse Physical regeneration rather than social or economic
What have we found so far in the South East? Emerging themes Areas of high deprivation and related health issues Raising aspirations ASB and substance misuse Gang culture Locked assets Social isolation and social cohesion Disengagement from programmes and consultation
What have we found out in the North East so far ? Area Emerging issues Old Ford Road Men’s Health Network established Barriers to accessing community assets Scope for intergenerational work Demand for more mental health support Gentrification Burdett Road Community cohesion Regeneration and resulting inequality Self-organising community groups Younger families feel isolated High rate of ill-health Watts Grove Initial focus on area: Community not connected with each other Limited physical assets High rates of loneliness Desire for ‘neighbourliness’
What will happen in phase 2 An asset map of the areas of focus Community cafes held in different localities A co-production event that creates a delivery plan for change a steering group set up in each locality Project evaluation protocol complete
How will we do this? Community Services
How will we measure success? Linking to the Tower Hamlets Together Outcomes Framework… I play an active part in my community I feel safe from harm in my community I am able to breathe cleaner air in the place where I live I am supported to make healthy choices I am able to support myself and my family financially I am satisfied with my home and where I live My children get the best possible start in life I am confident that those providing my care are skilled and motivated in their work I am able to access the services I need, to a safe and high quality I want to see best value and quality of local services I feel like the system is joined up around me It is likely I will live a long life I have a good level of happiness and wellbeing Regardless of who I am, I am able to access care services for my physical and mental health I am able to access the services I need, to a safe and high quality I feel my care is provided safely I have a positive experience of the services I use I have a sense of control over my life
Overarching programme governance HWBB receives progress updates 3 times per year Health and Wellbeing Board CDC Steering Group meets quarterly. Representation: Lead member, HWBB Champions, reps from each directorate Communities Driving Change Steering Group HAC DLT Children’s DLT Place DLT Request updates at each DLT at end of phases 1 and 2 and then as required Retain governance and commissioning oversight of the programme Public Health SMT Quarterly contractual monitoring meetings Monthly management meetings NW SW NE SE UEL Monthly opportunities for all providers to share learning, identify collaboration areas This is the key meeting for exchange with Outside partners CDC Partnership Board
CDC Partnership Board Meetings WHEN Tuesday 26th June 2.00-4.00pm Tuesday 31st July 10.00-12.00pm Tuesday 28th August 2.00-4.00pm Tuesday 25th Sept 10.00-12.00pm Tuesday 30th October 2.00-4.00pm Tuesday 27th November 10.00-12.00 WHERE PDC room 101 WHAT Schedule and topics TBC
Membership: CDC Steering Group Cllr. Denise Jones, Lead Member for Health and Adult Services and HWBB champion Diane Barham, Healthwatch and HWBB Board champion Alison Roberts, THCVS and HWBB Board champion Abigail Knight, LBTH Public Health Abigail Gilbert, LBTH Public Health Emily Fieron-Reed, LBTH Cohesion, Engagement and Commissioning Alex Nelson, THCVS Children’s representative ? Jon Shapiro, Chair of Safer Neighbourhood Board ? Jalal Aziz, Chair of Independent Advisory Group (to the police) Tower Hamlets CCG rep tbc LBTH community safety rep tbc LBTH adult social care rep tbc LBTH Children’s rep(s) tbc LBTH Place rep(s) tbc Shazia Hussain, LBTH Customer Access