Power of One Vocabulary Use or find these words in a sentence, get a parent, guardian, or teacher signature, and you’ve got a point of extra credit!
Chapters 7-10 Neophytes (n.) - Recent convert; beginner or novice – page 159 Incongruous (adj.) - Lacking in harmony; incompatible – page 165 Esoteric (adj.) - Intended for, understood by few – page 180 Punctilious (adj.) - Following fine points of etiquette. – page 180 Fervent (adj.) - Greatly emotional, fevered
Chapters 11-15 Equivocation (n.) - Page 207, The use of ambiguous language; using noncommittal language Recidivist (n.) - Page 207, One who has in tendency to lapse into a previous pattern of behavior, esp. criminal activity. Imperious (adj.) - Page 211, Arrogantly domineering or overbearing, urgent pressing Tedium (n.) - Page 211, Boredom; monotony
Abhorred (v.) - Page 214, To regard with loathing Expatriate (v.) - Page 216, To exile, banish Fracas (n.) - Page 218, A rowdy fight Onerous (adj.) - Page 223, Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome Feint (v.) - Page 245, Feigned attack designed to draw defensive action away from the intended target.
Contrite (adj.) - Page 246, Repentant, penitent Recalcitrance (n.) - Page 259, Stubborn, resistant Aberrant (adj.) - Page 266, Straying from right or normal way Perfidy (n.) - Page 308, Deliberate breach of; treachery Iniquitous (adj.) - Page 311, Sinful, wicked Erratically (adv.) - Page 315, Lacking consistency or uniformity; irregularity