Technology Portal Printer Use Email Lesson plans Grades AUA Computers in the Commons Word, Excel, PowerPoint Care of computers, mice, keyboards, screens Xbox DataWise
Portal - Michael Web storage available from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection Secure – you are the only student that can access your storage (all of the teachers can) (Change from Password!) Keep it in a safe place so you don’t lose it. Never give anyone your Password!
Printer Use - Chelsea Student printer location – IGCG Office 8150 Only What should be printed? What should not be printed? When to pick up your print job Unclaimed print jobs
Email - Randy All students have a free web-based email account Messages are logged and filtered
Lesson plans - Caitlin IGCG teachers post their lesson plans online Announcements and events
Grades - Graff ParentLink allows students and parents to see all gradebook entries, in real time, over the web Attendance, graduation status, and standardized test scores
AUA - Huggins AUA – what is it? The rules that you have to follow to use technology at school Violating the AUA can result in your privileges being revoked – not able to use the computers Consequences can be suspensions and loss of computer use for the quarter
Computer Access - Olivia Laptops in Conference Room B, off of the Commons; Open during lunch and on Late Night Thursdays Open During Lunch In C1 & C2 at teachers discretion
Word, Excel, PowerPoint - Caitlin Standard Microsoft Office Programs Word is used to create word processed documents Excel is used to create spreadsheets and perform calculations PowerPoint is used to create presentations
Care of computers - Allister These machines are not yours – take care of them Repaired or replaced at your expense Food and drink near any computer is forbidden Including lunch, before and after school Report any problems to your teacher immediately
Xbox - Allister Available on a first-come, first-served basis in the commons Open for use before school, during lunch, and after school Approved titles only Controllers checked out from office with student ID
Data Wise - Huggins Web-based testing Auto-graded (true/false, multiple choice, etc)