Psychology Quiz #1 Write down the numbers 1-8.
1) By next month, you will have forgotten more than 80% of what you will learn today, even if you study it until you know it perfectly.
2) Sleep-learning works.
3) We can be conditioned to perform behaviours without being aware of the conditioning.
4) “Multiple” or “split” personality is a psychiatric condition that clinicians call “schizophrenia”.
5) Infants can hear colours and smell sounds.
6)The number of ways in which a brain could be hooked up is greater than the number of atoms in all the oceans of the world. (there are 32,250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in a litre of water)
7) Subliminal advertising can cause you to buy items you may not have wanted.
8) If asked, about half of the people in this class would kill someone.
Charles Whitman
December 6, 1989: Gamil Gharbi (Marc Lepine)
May 21, 1998: Kip Kinkel
April 20, 1999: Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold
Sept. 13, 2006: Kimveer Gill
April 16, 2007: Cho Seung Hui
Anders Behring Breivik (July 22, 2011)
Ted Bundy (1974-1978)
Jeffrey Dahmer (1978-1991)
Stouffer et al (1946) Findings
1) Solders with High IQ’s were more fearful of combat, and showed more psychosomatic symptoms than soldiers with low IQ’s.
1) Solders with High IQ’s were more fearful of combat, and showed more psychosomatic symptoms than soldiers with low IQ’s. 2) Soldiers from rural (farming) communities adapted faster to basic training than solders from urban (city) communities.
1) Solders with High IQ’s were more fearful of combat, and showed more psychosomatic symptoms than soldiers with low IQ’s. 2) Soldiers from rural (farming) communities adapted faster to basic training than solders from urban (city) communities. 3) Soldiers were more highly motivated to return home while the war was still happening, as compared to when the war was over.
Scientific Method 1. Make an observation 2. Form a hypothesis to explain it 3. Test the hypothesis 4. Either go back to step 2, or generate a theory
Research Methods A. Nonexperimental 1. Naturalistic Observation: Rosenhan 2. Controlled Observation: Asch, Milgram study 3. Correlational method 4. Case Studies B. Experimental (controlled experiment) Variables 2. Operational Definitions 3. Experimental and Control groups