Name _______________ Science teacher _______ Tutor group _____ Year 7A Cells Name _______________ Science teacher _______ Tutor group _____
Learning Outcomes Level 3 Describe some life processes simply e.g. nutrition: animals need water and food, plants produce own food Describe the heart as a pump which can be felt in your pulse Level 4 Identify the names and positions of major organs in plants and humans Recognise that all organisms have life processes in common i.e. MRS GREN Level 5 Describe the main functions of the major organs in plants and humans Recognise that complex organisms are made of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Describe how cells are grouped to form tissues and tissues are grouped to form organs. Be able to put labels correctly on a cell diagram with a simple description of the function. Recognise an animal or plant cell. Level 6 Identify the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells. Describe the function of the parts in detail Explain that plants and animals grow by increasing the number of cells Name some specialised cells and be able to recognise specialised cells from drawings / pictures Level 7 Explain how each of the cells are specialised to carry out particular functions Explain that cells increase in number by cell division
Characteristics of Life Match the Images to the Life Processes Excrete Respiration Movement Sensitivity Reproduce Growth Nutrition
History of the Microscope Research the following Scientists to find out how they have helped improve microscopy. (where were they from? When were they alive?) Robert Hooke Galileo Galilei Ernst Ruska Erwin Wilhelm Muller Cornelius Drebbel
Which two parts of the microscope make the image appear Using A Microscope Write in numbers to show the order in which you would do these steps. Step Order number Move the lens down until it nearly touches the slide Place the slide on the stage Look through the eyepiece Turn the shortest lens into place Adjust the light to get a bright circle Focus to get a clearer picture Which two parts of the microscope make the image appear Bigger (magnification)? How can you find the total magnification of the image?
This is an ________ cell This is a ________ cell Plant and Animal cells 1 Draw lines from the words to the correct part of each cell. The words can be used more than once or not at all. cell membrane cell wall chloroplasts cytoplasm nucleus vacuole This is an ________ cell This is a ________ cell Draw lines from the parts of cells to their functions. Cell membrane Tells the cell what to do. Chloroplasts Keeps the cell together and controls what goes into and out of the cell Nucleus A jelly-like substance. Many of the cell’s activities happen here Cell wall A storage space filled with cell sap Cytoplasm Green discs that allow the plant to make food by photosynthesis Vacuole Supports the cell
Making Plant cell slides Making a microscope slide A Put your sample onto a slide. This thin piece should be very thin and look like tissue paper. B Add a drop of iodine solution to stain the cells. C Lower a coverslip gently onto the slide using a mounted needle or your fingertips. D Place the slide on a microscope stage then focus using the low power lens first and then make it look bigger by using the high power lens.
Observing and Recording Draw your observations in the circle above. Remember to use a pencil. Hint: Try to draw only 3-4 cells What do the cells look like? Write your description below: .............................................................................................................
Making Animal cell slides 1 Wipe a cotton bud gently over the inside of your cheek. Then wipe the cotton bud over the centre of a microscope slide to leave a smear of cheek cells. 2 Add two drops of stain and carefully place a cover slip over the stained smear. 3 Focus using the low-power lens to find the cells. 4 Now look at your slide using the high-power lens
Observing and Recording Draw a diagram to show what the animal cell looks like under the microscope. Remember to use a pencil. HINT: Only draw 4-5 cells
Name the cells and describe how they are Specialised Cells You may find the following site helpful for this task: Name the cells and describe how they are Adapted (designed) to their function (task) Diagram Cell Type Adaptation
Tissues and Organs A group of cells of the same type would be called tissue. Tissues Animal cells and plant cells can form tissues, like muscle tissue. A living tissue is made from a group of cells with a similar structure and function, which all work together to do a particular job. Here are some examples of tissues: muscle phloem (tubes that carry dissolved sugar around a plant) root hair tissue (for plants to take up water and minerals from the soil)
Organs to Systems Can you name the following organs? Can you name each organ? Do you know what they do?
Organs to Systems Cut out the organs from the previous page and add them to the diagram. If you know any other organs add them on and label them
Functions of the system Which characteristic of life? Organs to Systems Name of system Organs of the system Functions of the system Which characteristic of life? D R C E M &S N V 15
Life Processes Cells Homework How can you remember the 7 life processes (acronym)? Process Explanation
Light Microscopes Cells Homework Label the Microscope using the words below; Stage Focus Clip Light source Objective lens Eye piece ---------------------------- Can you explain what each part is used for?
1 On this drawing of an animal cell, what is the part labelled ‘W’? Homework 1 On this drawing of an animal cell, what is the part labelled ‘W’? 2 On the drawing above, what does part ‘W’ do? A make energy B make food C control the cell D hold the cell together 3 On the drawing of a microscope, what is the name of the part labelled ‘X’? A stage B focusing wheel C objective lens D base 4 A microscope has a x5 eyepiece lens and a x10 objective lens. The total magnification is: A x5 B x10 C x15 D x50 5 When first looking at something with a microscope you should: A use the smallest objective lens B use the biggest objective lens C not use the objective lens D not use the eyepiece lens
Tissues and Organs Homework A tissue is made up of a group of similar cells. Sometimes several tissues are grouped together to form organs. Our body has many organs. Find 6 organs hidden in the word search and the complete the table using descriptions in the box R S I D B N L K H M T F Y A C E W V O G U Organ Function
Unit 7a Cells Spelling Homework Learn to spell the following words ready for the unit test. If you don’t know what these words mean, don’t worry, You soon will. 1.Sensitvity 2.Respiration 3.Excretion 4.Reproduction 5.Nucleus 6.Cell Membrane 7.Cytoplasm 8.Chloroplast 9.Vacuole 10.Cell Wall 11.Microscope 12.Magnification 13. Specialised 14.Focus 15.Tissue 16. Organ 17. System 18. Function 19. Adapted 20