REACH OUT AND READ WISCONSIN 2018 Annual Meeting Choosing Books for Young Children
Infants: birth to 6 months
Infants: birth to 6 months
Infants: birth to 6 months
Infants: birth to 6 months
Infants: birth to 6 months
Infants: birth to 6 months
Infants: birth to 6 months What interests them Listening to caregiver’s voice Themselves and other babies Faces Mirrors Familiar objects Repeated sounds
Infants: birth to 6 months What to look for in books Sturdy board books Photos of babies No text Big pictures with high contrast Interactive components: mirrors Books you can sing: Twinkle, Twinkle
Babies: 6 to 12 months
Babies: 6 to12 months
Babies: 6 to 12 months
Babies: 6 to 12 months
Babies: 6 to 12 months What interests them Themselves and other babies Faces Familiar objects Sounds like “choo choo” Repeated sounds
Babies: 6 to 12 months What to look for in books Sturdy board books Photos of babies Interactive components: peepholes, puppets Small books sized for small hands One object per page so parents can point and name
Babies: 6 to 12 months What to look for in books, cont. Bold, clear, colorful pictures Books with pictures of things they see every day: balls, bottles, chairs, dogs No text or minimal text related directly to the pictures
Younger Toddlers: 12 to 24 months
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months What interests them Familiar objects Daily routines Cars, trains, airplanes Animals Beginning concepts: opposites Hearing the same story again and again
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months What to look for in books Sturdy board books they can handle and carry Books with bold, clear pictures Books about saying hello and goodbye Goodnight books for bedtime Children doing familiar things: sleeping, eating, playing
Younger toddlers: 12 to 24 months What to look for in books, cont. Books with pictures that invite sound-making: cows, sheep, trains, planes, etc. Books with simple rhymes, predictable text or repetitive text Simple search and find books No more than 1-2 sentences per page
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years What interests them Familiar routines Seasons Family Neighborhood Animals (often specific species) Beginning concepts: ABCs, counting, colors
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years What to look for in books Board books give way to paper pages Books with more detailed illustrations Simple stories with a beginning, middle and end Use of patterned text Introduce basic concepts: number, shapes
Older toddlers: 2 to 3 years What to look for in books, cont. Books that reflect the child’s world and interests Silly and funny books Books about children and families, food, animals, trucks and other favorite objects Books with rhyme, rhythm and repeated text they can learn by heart Books with children that look like them
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years What interests them The natural world Community helpers Friends and family Humor and nonsense Specific interests (“pockets of expertise”)
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years What to look for in books Books with longer stories and simple plots Stories that have a clear narrative arc Books about families – especially if they have siblings Books about different children and people
Younger preschoolers: 3 to 4 years What to look for in books, cont. Books that are predictable or totally silly Books where the pictures tell part of the story Books that reflect the child’s interests Books where children experience different emotions Books with children that look like them
Older Preschoolers: 4 to 5 years
Older preschoolers: 4 to 5 years
Older preschoolers: 4 to 5 years
Older preschoolers: 4 to 5 years
Older preschoolers: 4 to 5 years What interests them Friends and family Community School Science Past, present and future Specific interests More complicated story plots
Older preschoolers: 4 to 5 years What to look for in books More complex stories Books about kids who look like and live like them – but also books about different places and different ways of living Stories about family, friendship, school Books that reflect their interests Stories that inspire the imagination
Thanks to Appleton Public library for loaning several titles Books4School for donating several titles