17-23 June, 2018 #WithRefugees
The Refugee Week theme encourages Australians to: Raise awareness of the issues affecting refugees. , highlight aspects of the refugee experience and help the community to understand what it is like to be a refugee Make Refugee Week a national celebration Promote harmony and togetherness. Regardless of our differences, we all share a common humanity.
A refugee is: The important parts of this definition are: The person has to be outside of their country of origin. The reason for their flight has to be a fear or persecution. The fear of persecution has to be well founded (i.e. they must have experienced it or be likely to experience if they return) The persecution has to result from one or more of the five grounds listed in the definition They have to be unwilling or unable to seek the protection of their country. Any person who, owing to a well- founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his/her nationality and is unable, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself/herself of the protection of that country. The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (the Refugee Convention), to which Australia is a signatory
What have refugees experienced? Refugees who arrive in Australia often have little understanding about our country and the nature of society here. They have had no chance to prepare themselves for a new life in Australia. Common experiences of persecution include torture, beatings, rape, disappearance or killing of loved ones, imprisonment without trial, severe harassment by authorities, land confiscation, conflict-related injuries and months, years or even decades spent living in refugee camps or urban slums. Refugees rarely have the opportunity to make plans for their departure: to pack their belongings, to say farewell to their friends and families. In some cases, refugees are forced to flee with no notice, taking with them only the clothes on their backs. Others, must keep their plans secrets in case they are discovered. Refugees have a variety of experiences and every individual’s refugee journey is distinct. Most have faced deeply distressing experiences. Many have endured a range of physical, psychological and emotional traumas.
Refugees in Australia Australia has an extensive history of successfully resettling refugees and humanitarian entrants. Since 1901, it has welcomed more than 800,000, offering a permanent home. Many former refugees are now prominent in Australian life eg SA Governor Hieu Van Le Vietnamese refugees arriving in Darwin Harbour Photos: Northern Territory Archives Service
According to the UNHCR statistics, Australia received 29,590 claims for asylum in 2016. Australia recognised 6,567 asylum seekers in 2016, only protecting 0.28% of the world’s asylum seekers. Under the Refugee and Humanitarian program, Australia granted 21,968 visas in 2016-17. This has increased by 4,568 compared to the previous year. According to the DIBP 12,059 visas were granted as part of the offshore program, in contrast to 1,711 granted as part of the onshore program.
What is the difference between a refugee, an asylum seeker and a migrant?
Who are illegal immigrants? The term illegal immigrants refers to unlawful non-citizens who are living in a country with legal permission. In Australia, most illegal immigrants have entered the country legally but have then overstayed their visa. Most of these are from Western countries. People who seek asylum are not illegal immigrants. They are not breaking any laws. Under Australian law, a person is entitled (allowed) to apply for asylum in our country if they are escaping persecution. This right is protected by international law (Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) “Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.”
2017 Theme: “With courage let us all unite”
Changing Lives: Refugee Stories Nahji Chu Rohulla Hossani Hani https://youtu.be/Rs9NqTEkCY0
Changing Lives: Refugee Stories This is a very valuable video for Refugee Week, showing 3 amazing people whose powerful stories highlight the traumas that led to them becoming refugees and their struggle to find a new life - if only allowed the opportunity. Recently (June 2018) the Government talked about the importance of "Aspiration". This is what these people and refugees like them have!
Changing Lives: Refugee Stories - REVIEW Rohulla Hossaini Where did Rohulla come from? How did her get here? Where does he live now? Does he have friends, a job? What is his hope? Nahji Chu Where did Nahji come from? How did she get here? Where does she live now? What is the business that she has established? What does she say the problem in Australia is in regard to refugees?
Changing Lives: Refugee Stories - REVIEW Hani Abdile Where did Hani come from? How did she get here? Where does she live now? What is she doing now? What is her hope, her dream? What did you learn, what did you gain from these stories?
What do these idioms mean? They will do anything for a leg up. What do these idioms mean? Changing your headspace Living in limbo
Writing Project For tutors Why did you come to Australia? Were you a refugee, asylum seeker or a migrant? Why? What have been challenges for you? What do you think you have gained or achieved from coming to Australia and your experience as a refugee/asylum seeker or migrant? For tutors Have you been a refugee, asylum seeker or a migrant? Why? If so, What have been challenges for you? What do you think you have gained or achieved from coming to Australia and your experience as a migrant or a refugee/asylum seeker? What have you gained from getting to know some refugees/asylum seekers or migrants?
Extension Writing Activities What was your first impression of Adelaide? How is Adelaide different from your home country? What were the biggest challenges when you first arrived? What can Australians do to help new arrivals settle in? What advice would you give to someone who has just arrived?