PwC’s Skills for Australia


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Presentation transcript:

PwC’s Skills for Australia Consultation Briefing Pack Victorian Automotive Forum


About PwC’s Skills for Australia

The role of PwC’s Skills for Australia We provide critical support to our allocated Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) - for the purpose of aligning Training packages to reflect the skills needs demanded by industry. PwC’s Skills for Australia 4

Approach to competency development Putting industry at the centre of the process PwC’s Skills for Australia 5

2. Key questions and proposed solutions

Consultation briefing 1. Air conditioning and cooling qualifications Key questions: Do you agree that AUR21416 can be consolidated into AUR20218? If so, would a defined specialisation stream for radiator repair be needed? Would becoming solely an ‘automotive radiator repair technician’ limit the future career prospects of learners? Is the structure of AUR20218 meeting learner and industry needs? Do any future/emerging technologies need to be considered as part of this qualification? Qualifications: AUR21416 Certificate II in Automotive Cooling System Technology AUR20218 Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology What have we heard so far? AUR21416 aligns to the job role of ‘automotive radiator repair technician’, which is becoming a less relevant job role as radiators are increasingly replaced, not repaired. Hence, initial industry consultation has indicated support for combining AUR21416 and AUR20218. Industry feedback on qualification structure: AUR21416 Certificate II in Automotive Cooling System Technology AUR20218 Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology combine into Review of qualification structure

Consultation briefing 2. Light vehicle electrical qualifications AUR30316 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology AUR20416 Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology What have we heard so far? The occupations of light vehicle electrician and light vehicle mechanic are increasingly overlapping, as vehicle components become increasingly electrified. The onset of electric vehicles may impact the occupation significantly. Increasing voltages associated with light vehicle components have resulted in increasing need for safety training. Industry feedback on qualification structure: Key questions: Due to increasing overlap between light vehicle electricians and mechanics, what changes need to occur to AUR30316 and AUR20416? How should increasing safety concerns surrounding high voltages be captured in the qualifications? How will increasing popularity of electric and hybrid vehicles impact the skills required by light vehicle electricians? How should this be reflected in the qualifications? Does AUR20416 meet industry needs? Who is the target audience of this qualification? What other considerations apply to the review of these qualifications? AUR30316 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology AUR20416 Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology Review of qualification structure and content

Consultation briefing 3. Light vehicle mechanical qualifications AUR40216 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis AUR50216 Diploma of Automotive Technology AUR30616 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology What have we heard so far? Increasing electrification of vehicle componentry has resulted in light vehicle mechanical technicians being required to possess more electrical knowledge. As a result, the job roles of light vehicle mechanical technicians and light vehicle electricians are increasingly overlapping. Basic diagnostic and fault finding skills are required of an entry level light vehicle mechanical technician. Advanced qualifications like AUR40216 and AUR50216 are not widely utilised within industry. Key questions: What electrical skills/knowledge should be included in AUR30616? Are diagnostic and fault finding skills are expected of an entry level light vehicle mechanical technician? If so, can you articulate the minimum expected standard? How should this be expressed in AUR30616? How are the skills and knowledge of a light vehicle mechanical technician changing? Are there any gaps in AUR30616? How well does it meet industry and learners’ needs? What is the purpose of AUR40216 and AUR50216? Are they meeting this need?

Consultation briefing 4. Automotive Vocational Preparation Key questions: Do you agree with the industry feedback that vocational preparation qualifications should be used as a ‘taster’ of the automotive industry? Are these qualifications typically delivered in schools? What is the destination of graduates of these qualifications? Which units, if any, cannot or should not be delivered in a school setting? Should they be removed? Are there any units which should be added or removed from the core or elective bank of either qualification? What key skills and knowledge should a learner on a vocational preparation course be developing? Is work experience/industry exposure required to complete these qualifications? Are there any emerging skills learners should be developing? Qualifications: AUR10116 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation What have we heard so far? Vocational Preparation qualifications are typically delivered in school, as a ‘taster’ course to provide a learner with broad exposure across the automotive industry. Industry has indicated that some units of competency which are packaged into both AUR10116 and AUR20716 are not being delivered faithfully in schools. Industry feedback to date has indicated the desire for the removal of units which cannot or should not be delivered in a school setting. In some cases, the qualifications will be used as a pre-apprenticeship, and credit transfer may be applied.

Consultation briefing 5. Agricultural mechanical Qualifications: AUR30416 Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology New skill set for precision agriculture What have we heard so far? Initial industry feedback indicates that AUR30416 largely meets industry needs. Industry feedback has shown a desire for a new skill set for precision agriculture. Industry feedback on qualification structure: Key questions: Do you agree that AUR30416 meets industry needs for the job role of a agricultural mechanical technician? Are any changes to the core or elective bank of AUR30416 required? Do you agree with the development of a new skill set for precision agriculture? What units of competency should sit within a new skill set for precision agriculture? Are there any other technological developments in agricultural technology which should be reflected in the qualifications? AUR30416 Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology Create a new skill set for precision agriculture Review of qualification structure

Consultation briefing 6. Body repair Key questions: Do you support the proposal to decrease the size of the elective bank of the qualification? Are there any particular units which should be added or removed from the core/elective bank? Are there any emerging areas of skills/knowledge which should be included in the qualification? Are there any further considerations which should be accounted for during the course of this review? Qualifications: AUR20916 Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology Please note that AUR32116 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology is not being reviewed as part of this project; it will be reviewed in 2019. What have we heard so far? AUR20916 largely contains industry relevant skills for vehicle body repair workers, however AUR32116 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology is the accepted standard for workers in the vehicle body repair industry. Industry feedback to date has indicated support for a reduction in the size of the core bank of AUR20916, in order to increase the flexibility of the qualification and enable greater choice from the elective bank.

Consultation briefing 7. Refinishing Key questions: Do you support the proposal to decrease the size of the elective bank of the qualification? Are there any particular units which should be added or removed from the core/elective bank? Are there any emerging areas of skills/knowledge which should be included in the qualification? Are there any further considerations which should be accounted for during the course of this review? Qualifications: AUR32416 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology What have we heard so far? AUR32416 largely meets industry needs. Industry feedback to date has indicated support for a reduction in the size of the core bank of AUR32416, in order to increase the flexibility of the qualification and enable greater choice from the elective bank.

Your PwC Skills for Australia contacts... Sara Caplan CEO PwC’s Skills for Australia 0439 150 083 Philip Le Feuvre Head of Engagement PwC’s Skills for Australia 0473 578 728 Zakira Lyon Automotive Industries Lead PwC’s Skills for Australia 0473 542 488 Robert Munday Automotive Industries PwC’s Skills for Australia 0468 391 471 Stay in touch... Save our phone and email contact details Follow PwC’s Skills for Australia on LinkedIn Visit our website

1800 714 819 If you have any further questions, please contact PwC’s Skills for Australia on: 1800 714 819 Disclaimer © 2017 PricewaterhouseCoopers Data and Analytics Services Pty Limited. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. PwC does not represent Business Services, Cultural and Related Industries, Education, Financial Services, Information and Communications Technology, Printing and Graphic Arts, Mining, Drilling and Civil Infrastructure, Automotive, or Naval Shipbuilding industries, the Department of Education and Training or the Commonwealth. PwC acknowledges the financial support received by the Commonwealth to operate as a Skills Service Organisation.