The Residential School System


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Presentation transcript:

The Residential School System Mrs. Helmer CHC 2DI

What were Residential Schools? The government thought this was the best way to assimilate the Aboriginal people of Canada into the Christian and English culture of most Canadians. The federal government ran them. Native children had to leave their homes to go live in these schools; sometimes the children were forcibly removed from their homes and families.

Map of all Residential Schools in Canada

At the peak of this system there were approximately 80 residential schools in Canada.

What were these schools like? Native children were not allowed to speak their native tongue or practice traditional beliefs and culture. Living conditions and skills taught were substandard. Children endured both physical, emotional, and in some cases sexual abuse.

Children who suffered trauma and abuse often turned to drugs and alcohol to cope. This has led to violence resulting in prison time and sometimes in death by suicide. This is the “Legacy” of Residential Schools in Canada

Consequences from Residential Schools Victims began to call for compensation in 1990 In 1996 a Royal Commission was called, but its recommendations were never followed. In 2007, the federal government announced a $1.9 billion compensation package for all residential school students.

This photo was taken at the Shubenacadie Residential School, N.S.

Former students of Residential Schools were eligible for a $10 000 settlement for the first year of school and $3000 for each of the following years they attended the schools. Due to this compensation package the federal government and all churches were released from further liability, except in the cases of physical and sexual abuse.

Group Discussion Questions What are your reactions/emotions? What do you think about this system of schooling? Would it have worked? Do you think Residential Schools were a good thing for Canadian Aboriginals? What were positive and negative effects of these schools? What type of feelings do you think Aboriginal people have about Residential Schools today? What was the reason for having Residential Schools – Was it completely necessary?