BIG DAM FINALE Option 1: Dam Poetry Jam Your task is to write a poem (or song) that explains the impact of water diversion projects. Your poem should include the following At least 2 advantages of dams At least 2 disadvantages of dams One example of a major dam project A description of the impact dams can have on society (positive or negative) or on the environment (positive or negative) Option 2: Propaganda Poster/PSA Your task is to design a public service announcement or propaganda poster about proposed local dam construction. The PSA/propaganda poster should fit on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper Must have a sketch. Must have a slogan. Your PSA/poster should convince people to support the new dam. The sketch/slogan should include all of the wonderful benefits that the community will gain from the new dam (must have at least 3) OR Your PSA/poster should convince people to oppose the new dam and to do their part in stopping dam construction. The sketch/slogan should include all of the horrible consequences that will result from the new dam (must have at least 3) BIG DAM FINALE