Body Systems Day 88
DN88 What is anorexia? What is bulemia? Why are they dangerous conditions?
The URINARY System!
Urinary system, con’t Your body takes nutrients from food and uses them to maintain bodily functions After your body takes what it needs, waste products are left behind Urinary system works with lungs, skin, and intestines to keep chemicals and water in your body balanced Adults eliminate about a quart and a half of urine a day!
Urinary system, con’t The urinary system removes a waste called urea from your blood and carries it to the kidneys Kidneys are bean-shaped organs about the size of your fists that filter urea from the blood From kidneys, urine travels down two thin tubes called ureters to the bladder The bladder stores urine until your body is ready to release it
Urinary system, con’t Sphincter muscles are circular muscles that keep urine from leaking Nerves in the bladder tell your brain when it is time to urinate. The bladder contracts, the sphincter relaxes, and urine exits the body through the urethra
The NERVOUS System!
The Nervous System, con’t The nervous system contains a system of organs and special cells called neurons that coordinate actions and transmit signals throughout the body The Central Nervous System contains the brain and the spinal cord (and your retina too!) The Peripheral Nervous System contains nerves throughout your body
The Nervous System, con’t Without the nervous system, you couldn’t: Taste - Sleep Smell - Laugh Feel - Remember Hear - Move Think - Sing Dream - Talk Breathe - Stand
The Nervous System, con’t External stimuli (sights, temperature, space, sounds) are perceived by your nerve cells in the peripheral nervous sytem The brain acts like a control center – it responds to external stimuli, and directs internal stimuli (I tell my hands to move, but I hear the bell ring) The spinal cord gets signals from the rest of the body and funnels them to the brain Neurons “fire” (it’s like electricity, or telephone wires going through your body) to get the message to your spinal cord and brain
The Nervous System, con’t It’s like DOMINOS! Throughout your body! Right now!
The Skeletal System
The Skeletal System, con’t Provides shape and form for our bodies Supports, protects, and facilitates movement Heart and lungs protected by rib cage Brain protected by skull Produces blood for the body (bone marrow) Stores minerals
The Muscular System
The Muscular System, con’t The muscular system is controlled by the nervous system Provide strength, posture, balance, movement, and heat Three types of muscle: Cardiac or Heart muscle – pumps blood through body Skeletal muscle – provides strength and movement Smooth muscle – involuntary actions like digestion
The Endocrine System Glands in the endocrine system regulate hormones from conception through aging, including metabolism and regulating blood sugar, and brain development
The Lymphatic System Managed by spleen, controls your immune system Removes waste from bloodstream, keeps you from getting sick
Epithelial System Tissue that lines the cavities and surfaces throughout the body Secretion (sweating), absorption (moisture), protection (from the world), and sensing (temperature)
ES 80 Close your notebooks Take out a sheet of paper and a writing utensil Pack everything else up When you’re done with the ES, stand silently behind your chair
ES 80 What two organs do the ureters connect? What is the difference between internal and external stimuli? What system supports our bodies and gives them shape? Name two systems that protect our bodies and explain how they protect us. Give an example of each: voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles.