Guide to Primary Admissions 2019 Entry Year R
When Should I Apply? If you have a child who was born between 01/09/14 and 31/08/15 you should be applying for a Primary or Infant school. The child would normally be expected to start school between September 2019 and April 2020. 2
Who Do I Apply To? If you pay your Council Tax to one of the following boroughs you should apply to Kent County Council. ASHFORD ~ CANTERBURY CITY ~ DARTFORD DOVER ~ GRAVESHAM ~ MAIDSTONE SEVENOAKS ~ FOLKESTONE & HYTHE ~ SWALE ~ THANET ~ TONBRIDGE and MALLING ~ TUNBRIDGE WELLS 3
How to apply for a Reception (Yr R) place From Monday 5th November 2018 at 9am Parents should apply either online at or By paper form which can be obtained from the Admissions Team, at Schools or can be downloaded from the website. If parents want a paper copy sent by post email with Name and Address for us to send one out. Online or Paper Forms need to be returned to KCC by Tues 15th January 2019
Go to to apply online AMEND
What Benefits Are There To Applying Online? 24 hour access to your application. Ability to make amendments anytime up to closing date of Tuesday 15th Jan 2019. Ensure you resubmit if you make a change Receive email confirmation of your application. Parents who apply online receive an email AFTER 4pm on the offer day of Tuesday 16th April 2019. Paper applicants have to wait for the letter posted on that day. 6
School Preferences You should complete the application by naming up to three schools; putting them in order of preference with the one you would like most as first place. There is no requirement to name three preferences but failing to do so increases the likelihood of the local authority making an offer of a school some distance from your home. Naming only one preference does NOT guarantee your child a place at that school or give your child priority for a place over another child, neither does naming a school more than once. If you name a school multiple times, the duplicates will be deleted from your form and you will have lost the opportunity of naming different preferences. Even if you already have an older child at your preferred school, you MUST apply for a place for your younger child. You will not automatically receive a place because you already have a sibling there.
Application Checklist Fill in online or paper form and submit by 15th Jan 2019. Remember to check you have named the right preference. Use DFE numbers to check if necessary, which can be found in our admissions guide. Remember to name siblings on the form if the child has any at the preferred school. Send medical evidence to the relevant school if you wish to apply under this criterion. Check if school requires a Supplementary Information form (SIF) and return to the school before the closing date. A SIF is a form used by some schools to gather further information which relates to their oversubscription criteria i.e faith Ensure you remember any USER IDs and PASSWORDS, if you apply online, for use at a later date. 8
Tues 16th April 2019 – National Offer Day Online Applicants After 4pm Online applicants (who provided a valid email address) will be emailed advising them of their offer. After 5pm Online applicants can log into their account to view their offer. Paper applicants Will receive a letter that will be posted 1st class on the morning of 16th April. Paper applicants do not receive an email informing them of the offer.
What happens after 16th April - National Offer Day? Child is Offered a School the parent wants They need to Accept or Refuse their place with the school they have been offered by Monday 13th May 2019. If they want to go on the Waiting List for any school they named but were not offered they need to fill in the form and return it to KCC by Monday 13th May 2019. The school(s) can be a higher or lower preference they were not offered. If they want to appeal for a place they were not offered they need to send that to the Admissions Authority of the school by Tuesday 21st May 2019. An Appeals Pack is available on Child is Offered a School the parent didn’t want They need to Accept or Refuse their place with the school they have been offered by Monday 13th May 2019. We recommend accepting even if it is not a school they had named. If they want to go on the Waiting List for any school they named but were not offered they need to fill in the form and return it to KCC by Monday 13th May 2019. The school(s) can be a higher or lower preference they were not offered. If they want to appeal for a place they were not offered they need to send that to the Admissions Authority of the school by Tuesday 21st May 2019. An Appeals Pack is available on
Key Dates to Remember Event Date Applications Open Online & Paper Mon 5th November 2018 Applications Close Online Tues 15th January 2019 Final date for changes Mon 11th February 2019 National Offer Day Tues 16th April 2019 Deadline to Accept or Refuse Your School Offer Deadline to Submit your waiting list request if applicable Deadline for late applications Monday 13th May 2019 Deadline for lodging an appeal Tuesday 21st May 2019 Reallocation Day Wednesday 12th June 2019 All School take over the admission of pupils to Year R
What happened for admissions in September 2018 In September 2018 there were 17,679 reception aged children requesting places across Kent For admission to Reception Year, 97.73% of Kent pupils got a place at one of the schools named as a preference. 89.48% got an offer of a place at their first preference school. For September 2018 246 children requested a place at Fleetdown School
What has happened over the last 4 years at Fleetdown Primary School PAN Total Apps Offers SEN LAC Sibling Distance Last Distance offered 2018 90 246 1 41 48 1.164 2017 252 42 46 0.809 2016 315 2 44 43 0.8445 2015 243 32 56 1.0425
How will places be offered The Primary Admission scheme is an Equal Preference Scheme, which means that all of the schools you express a preference for will consider your child for a place. The schools will not take into account whether you have placed them as a 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference as this information will not be given to them by Kent County Council. The schools will rank all the children on their list against their school’s oversubscription criteria. Oversubscription criteria are a set of rules which a school uses to place children into priority order, or rank, if it receives too many requests for the places that it has available. Details of specific oversubscription criteria for individual schools can be sought directly from schools or via
How will places be offered Once the schools have ranked the children, they will return the list to Kent County Council and it is imported into the computer program that will finalise offers If only one of the three schools can offer your child a place, then Kent County Council will offer you a place at that school. If more than one of your three preferred schools could offer your child a place, Kent County Council will only offer a place at the school you named higher on your application and offer any lower preference schools to other children. If none of your preferred schools can offer you a place because there were other children who had a greater eligibility for the place(s) than your child when the oversubscription criteria were applied, Kent County Council will allocate an alternative school that has available places once all other applications have been considered..
What evidence will I need to supply with my application? No evidence is requested at time of application You will need to provide evidence of the residence of the parent AND child at the application address on National Closing Day (15th January 2019) to the school you are offered on National Offer Day. Acceptable evidence includes:- One of the following Council Tax statement OR Signed Tenancy Agreement or Exchange of Contracts/Completion document Two or more of the below… Child/Working Tax Credit/Child Benefit/JSA/Disability Benefit Letter or Statement Driving Licence / Schedule of Motor Insurance / Utility bills such as Gas/Water/Electric//BT/Broadband etc showing usage / Payslip / Hospital or Doctor appointment letter Please Note - This is not an exhaustive list and the Local Authority reserves the right to request further supporting documentation where it believes the evidence provided is insufficient to prove residence at the application address
FAQ’s If you have any further questions regarding the admissions process please contact us to discuss your individual requirements. Common queries include: House moves and which address to use on an application Shared residency Sibling Links affected by house moves Delaying entry until later in the academic year Out of Year Group admission for Summer Born children Applications made under the Health, Social & Special Access (Medical) criteria Please talk to us if you require further information about any of these issues. Each application is individual and it is better to seek advice and get your application correct.
Contact details Email Telephone Online 03000 418247 Primary Online enquiries - Primary Admission enquiries - Telephone Online 03000 418247 Primary 03000 416111 Address Coordinated Admissions Room 2.20 Sessions House County Hall Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ Download our full guide to applying for a Primary School place at 18