Fig. 2. Response to repeat dosing of chimpanzees with ARC-520. Response to repeat dosing of chimpanzees with ARC-520. (A) After a prestudy evaluation, nine chimpanzees began daily oral NUC dosing. After a variable NUC lead-in period to reduce viremia, NUC treatment continued concomitant with Q4W dosing of ARC-520 that began on day 1. Dosing days are indicated by vertical dashed lines. Blood samples were collected periodically throughout the study, and serum HBV DNA (B), HBeAg (C), and HBsAg (D and E) were measured and are shown for individual animals. (F) Mean log10 change in HBsAg for the 8 weeks preceding the first dose of ARC-520 and during ARC-520 treatment of four HBeAg-positive (●) and four HBeAg-negative (□) and in the HBeAg transitional chimpanzee (▲). BLD, below the limit of detection. *, chimpanzee 89A008 transitioned from HBeAg-positive to HBeAg-negative during the NUC lead-in period. Boxes in (B) and (C) indicate the first day of daily ETV dosing. Christine I. Wooddell et al., Sci Transl Med 2017;9:eaan0241 Published by AAAS