Ask Us for Collaborative Partners
Ask Us Ask Us is Edge Hill University’s LibAnswers. What is LibAnswers/Ask us? This is the Learning Services knowledge base which students can use to search for answers. It can be used much like an LS version of Google, you type in your question into the top box and this system will match your question with an exact answer or give you a list of search results which you can then select from to answer your question. If your question has not been asked previously and no information is contained within the LS Knowledge base then you will be prompted to submit the question via a form where your question will be answered by one of the LS team, this can then be fed back into the knowledge base so the next person to ask a similar question will get an instant hit from their search...and so the knowledge base grows. Ask us further features * Searchable knowledge bases (public and private) * SMS/texting facility offering 8000 texts a year * Live chat system * Email integration * Twitter integration * Query spy (analytics tool) * SMS auto responses can be setup * Ratings system for answers Answering Questions Questions come in to Lib Answers in 4 different forms: 1. Email 2. Question Form via the site 3. SMS Texts 4. Live Chat All of the above options will come in and can be followed through and answered in a similar way (except Live Chat which will be paired with an operator) how these queries are dealt with can be seen in the chart below.
Find it on the web pages Or at Students can: type in a question, As you type, previously asked questions appear – click on one if it asks your question. Otherwise type your question and click the ASK US button. browse all (in which case you can sort by date, popularity or question i.e. alphabetically by first word), then you can filter by keyword. Select from a list of topics. Or click on a word in the Popular topics tag cloud Users can also browse the Featured Answers (we’ll probably select that which is most current at points in the academic year), Most Popular Answers or Most Read Answers If your question has not been asked previously, you will be prompted to submit the question. On the right-hand side alternative methods of contact are displayed. Further info: SMS texter’s number is neither visible nor accessible to us. Live chat – hours are clarified
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