Teacher models Team Turned Discussion


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Presentation transcript:

Teacher models Team Turned Discussion

Do you recognise the logos? How many have you used in the past week? Start with number 1

Start with number 3 The average teenager: Spends 135 minutes a day on their phone, over an hour of which is on social media. By the age of 14 the average teenager will have sent more than 35000 texts, 30000 WhatsApp messages and watched over 3 solid weeks worth of video chat. Responds to a message within 15 minutes. Spends an average of 1200 hours a year on social media. 15% of teenagers asked said they had been contacted by strangers and 10% actively communicated with strangers daily. 29% said they had been bullied on social media in the last year and 35% said they had posted a comment they later regretted. How do you feel about this? Is it accurate? Is it acceptable? Should something be done to change it? Why?

“The darkest place on the accessible internet” In recent years there has been a rise in the creation and use of ‘ratings’ sites. An account is set up and users are invited to send their photos in and will receive a rating from other users. What are the potential dangers of such sites? Think about emotional, physical and legal dangers.

“The darkest place on the accessible internet” Emotional Physical Legal Low self esteem Bullying Poor body image Depression Feeling excluded Mental health impact Obsessive behaviours Self harm Stalking Eating disorders Running away Harassment Fully traceable Trademark infringement Criminal record School and parents involved

Zip it, Block it, Flag it Be your own person; don’t be pressured by others. Be kind; treat people like you’d expect them to treat you – or better yet someone you care about. Think; be careful about what you share and with who, think about the future and that your actions are traceable. Who to tell: Learning managers and teachers. Parents and trusted adults. The Police. Click CEOP NSPPC Your VMG mentor will go through the guidance with you on page 25 of your planner Stranger danger; if you don’t know them in real life then why are you talking to them? Report; if something is upsetting you, concerns, scares or worries you talk to someone.