Habit #4 Think Win-Win
Which Would You Choose?
How many of us are consumed with outward appearances? Which Would You Choose? Based on outward appearances, you might miss the fact that the inside is the same. How many of us are consumed with outward appearances?
Win-Lose Is competitive “I win, you lose!” Is comparative “as long as I’m better than you…”
Lose-Win You lose, others win (you’re a doormat) Appears that you are “the nice guy” Lose-Win is okay for insignificant things Examples: Who sits in the front of the car Who goes first Which drawers you put your clothes in
Lose - Win
Lose-Lose I lose, you lose “If I’m going down, then you’re going down with me.”
Compromise You both get most of what you want Everyone gives up something
Win - Win Everyone wins! There is plenty of success to go around A win-win attitude adds to relationship bank accounts
Competition Competition is healthy when you compete against yourself, or when it challenges you to become your best.
Comparing Comparing is unhealthy We are all on different developmental time tables We all have our own strengths Your strengths may be different from your friend’s
Self-Image Survey Please fill out the top portion of the “Self-Image Survey”
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group A)
Survey – Group A Please fill out the “Self-Image Survey” for the Group A pictures.
Survey – Group B Please fill out the “Self-Image Survey” for the Group B pictures after viewing the following slides.
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group B)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group B)
Self Image Survey Pictures (Group B)
Survey – Group B Please fill out the “Self-Image Survey” for the Group B pictures. Then answer the remaining questions.
Unhealthy Comparisons (Women) Seventy-five percent (75%) of "normal" weight women think they are overweight The average dress size of American women is between 12 and 14 Today’s fashion models weigh 23% less than the average female A young woman between the ages of 18-34 has a 7% chance of being as slim as a catwalk model and a 1% chance of being as thin as a supermodel. http://www.johnriviello.com/bodyimage/dolls.html
Unhealthy Comparisons (Men) Boys ages 9 to 14 who thought they were overweight were 65% more likely to think about or try smoking than their peers Boys who worked out every day in order to lose weight were twice as likely to experiment with tobacco.
Real or Photoshop?
The Power of Photoshop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_vVUIYOmJM&sns=em
Real or Photoshop?
Real or Airbrush? Nothing, except $1,525 worth of touch-ups, to: Clean up complexion, soften eye lines, soften smile line, add color to lips, trim chin, remove neck lines, soften line under ear lobe, add highlights to earrings, add blush to cheeks, clean up neck line, remove stray hair, remove hair strands on dress, adjust color and add hair on top of head, add dress on side to create better line, add dress on shoulder, clean up an smooth dress folds under arm and create one seam on image on right side.
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Before and After
Barbie or Not?
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Bad Photoshop
Special Teen Report (USA WEEKEND) Just 3 in 10 are very satisfied with their looks. Only 15 percent like themselves "the way I am." Half of boys say they want to bulk or tone up, while half of girls want to lose weight. Non-white adolescents tend to feel better about themselves physically than whites, something experts say reflects a different set of values. Asked how satisfied they are with their looks, almost 4 in 10 minority teens answer "very," compared with 3 in 10 whites.