Chalk Lines Softball Facility & Academy Is Proud to Announce its Spring 2019, Chattahoochee River Valley Tournament Schedule 8U / 10U / 12U (Open) (Age as of January 1st) Team Awards & Individual Rings will be given to 1st & 2nd place. Team Sanction not Required Balls Provided 2 Pool Games into Single Elimination Tournament $250 per team / $175 for 8U $6 Gate Fee(8 & Under Free) Registration Deadline is Midnight, the Wednesday Prior to Each Tournament Date February 9th, 2019 - * Tears Teens Empowerment Awareness With Resolutions March 9th, 2019 - *The Ronald McDonald House * A portion of the proceeds will be donated to these charities Idle Hour Sports Complex 900 Airport Road Phenix City, AL 36867 Pool Games 60 minutes (8U) 70 Minutes, finish the inning Bracket Games 70 minutes(8U) 75 minutes, finish the inning Tournament Director: Duncan Thompson @ 706-575-9983 Register at (Under Tournaments) Please bring the team entry fee (CASH or CASHIER'S CHECK ONLY) to the team check - in on Saturday. Team entry fee, roster, & team insurance MUST be turned in to the Tournament Director before your first game.