Eastern Mediterranean
Jerusalem Located in Israel Sacred to three major religions; Judaic, Christian and Islam Cause of hostilities between Jewish and Muslim people
Jewish ties to Jerusalem Dome of the Rock – Believe it is the site where Abraham almost sacrificed his son, Isaac Temple Mount was once home to both the first and second Temples (second was constructed in 538 BC after their return and destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans) Western (Wailing) Wall is all that is left of the second temple – if possible Jewish people should make a pilgrimage at least once a year) Absolute Location: 31°N 35°E People leave little pieces of paper with prayers and petitions rolled up and inserted in the broken mortar between the bricks of the wall.
Christian ties to Jerusalem Place where Jesus suffered and was crucified Visit Mount of Olives and Church of the Holy Sepulcher (believed to be the site where Jesus died) Crusades (7) were to regain the city from the Muslims Jerusalem was reclaimed by the Muslims and remained in their control until 1948
Islam ties to Jerusalem Third most holy city behind Mecca and Medina Temple Mount Dome of the Rock – Muslim believe this is where Muhammad rose into heaven Al Aqsa (mosque) is located next to the Western Wall Site of clashes because Jewish and Muslim sites are together Controlled for many years until Israel was created in 1948
Jerusalem Western Wall - Judaism Holy Sepulcher Christian Dome of the Rock Muslim Jerusalem Al Aqsa - Muslim
Brief history of the Eastern Mediterranean Ottoman Empire ruled from 1520 – 1922 AD Allies of Germany in World War I and fell apart after that war After the war it was divided between England and France France – Northern area (Lebanon & Syria) England – Southern - Jordan and Palestine They were to rule until the area was ready for independence
French legacy French caused different religious groups to hate each other Made French the official language, Franc the official currency, and students forced to sing the French national anthem They used this to remain in the area to “keep peace” The legacy is still hatred among the groups Lebanon became independent in 1943 and Syria in 1946
English legacy English controlled area called Palestine and the island nation of Cyprus (gained independence in 1960) 19th Century movement Zionism wanted to establish a Jewish homeland British allowed many Jewish people to emigrate and buy land Divided land into Trans-Jordan and Palestine Trans-Jordan – Arab/English government Palestine – English/Jewish/Arab government 1939 – British stopped immigration of Jews to placate the Arabs
Creation of Israel After WWII many Jewish people moved to Palestine and wanted a homeland UN created Israel and divided Palestine into Jewish and Arab areas Palestine included the West Bank and Gaza Strip Arabs around Israel attempted to invade and conquer in 1948 but were defeated
UN General Assembly Resolution 181 – November 29, 1947 Called for the partition of the British-ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state. It was approved on November 29, 1947 with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions and one absent Against: Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen. The resolution was accepted by the Jews in Palestine, yet rejected by the Arabs in Palestine and the Arab states.
PLO Palestinian Liberation Army was formed in the 1960’s Many of the Palestinian Arabs and Christians had been forced out of the area into relocation camps The West Bank and Gaza Strip were now under Israeli control Yasser Arafat was the first leader 2003 – Mamoud Abbas was named the first Prime Minister and is working to reclaim some of the lost land
**HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) Harakat al Mawqawama al Islamiyya meaning "Islamic Resistance Movement." (zeal) A radical Sunni Islamic fundamentalist organization - formed in late 1987 as an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Elements have used both political and violent means, including terrorism, to pursue the goal of establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in place of Israel
In a January 2006 election, Hamas won a majority of seats in the Palestinian legislature. Have conducted large-scale suicide bombings—against Israeli civilian and military targets Unknown number of official members; tens of thousands of supporters and sympathizers. Funding from Iran, Palestinian expatriates, and private benefactors in moderate Arab states, Western Europe and North America.
Legacy of division and hate Eastern Mediterranean nations are all self governing Many refugees were created when Israel became a country Countries have trouble taking care of them Infrastructure is weak and civil wars keep most countries from developing Israel is the exception
The Five (5) Pillars of Islam