Daily group research tasks: Meet in groups to Share your research summary/highlights. Be brief and focused! LISTEN and RESPOND thoughtfully. Determine what info was helpful & can be used. Did it match the concept and KEY question of your inquiry? Move on to the next Research Tasks Who will research what information for tomorrow? Complete note taking in required format. For RESOURCE include biblio info as listed on pg 11-12 Don’t forget this is HW too! Monday all research DUE! Class time was given in the morning work block for research as well. USE YOUR TIME WISELY!
Research NOTES HEADING: Topic/Key Term/CONCEPT/Question RESOURCE: title, author, date, etc… all needed biblio info Then each fact is listed In a neatly organized bulleted list Make sure you record info on topic/related to key focus Afterwards go back and star or highlight key details These will be things you want to share with the group too, or use in your report or project Then skip a couple lines and repeat these same steps with the next heading and/or the next resource with the same heading
Line of Inquiry - Key concept - Group 1. An inquiry into how Migration has changed and is changing the world. 2. An inquiry into how explorers; past, present, and future have changed the world. 3a. An inquiry into how technology and discoveries have changed and are changing the world. 3b. An inquiry into how technology and discoveries have changed and are changing the world. 3b. How does the world depend on technology? 1. How does migration effect our lives and the lives of immigrants? 2. How has the discovery of islands impacted the world today? 3a. How is technology changing the world in positive and negative ways? 1. Max Isaiah Kyler Kefle Conway 2. Ana Lauren George Mikayla Christian 3a. Skylar Emma Guianella Grace Rowan 3b. Edgar Jamaal Boden Yazmene Dezyah