Lent is a time of reflection and preparation for Easter. We can use it as an opportunity to refocus our lives on God, serve others and grow in our faith. We will holding a variety of services and events throughout the Lent and Easter period to help us to pray, reflect and celebrate both individually and corporately as we think about Jesus, the one we strive to follow.
Lent is a time of reflection and preparation for Easter. We can use it as an opportunity to refocus our lives on God, serve others and grow in our faith. We will holding a variety of services and events throughout the Lent and Easter period to help us to pray, reflect and celebrate both individually and corporately as we think about Jesus, the one we strive to follow.
Every day Pray the Lord’s Prayer at 12noon Sign up to 40acts. co Every day Pray the Lord’s Prayer at 12noon Sign up to 40acts.co.uk Shrove Tuesday 5 March Pancake Party 5 - 6.30pm Ash Wednesday 6 March Service of Communion and ashing 11am and 7.30pm Wednesday 13 March CCT lunch & reflection @ Baptist 12noon – 1.30pm Wednesday 20 March CCT lunch & reflection @ Methodist Wednesday 27 March CCT lunch & reflection @ St Anthony Wednesday 3 April CCT lunch & reflection @ St Wilfrid Saturday 13 April Easter Messy Church 4 – 6pm Palm Sunday 14 April CCT Lent Prayer @ St Wilfrid’s 4 - 5pm Palm Sunday – Monday 15 April 24/7 prayer time in church 6pm - 6pm Tuesday 16 April A reading of Mark’s gospel 8am / 12noon / 7pm Wednesday 17 April The Miracle Maker / The Passion 3pm / 7pm Maundy Thursday 18 April Supper and Service of ‘Foot washing’ 6.30pm Good Friday 19 April An hour by the cross followed by hot cross buns 3 - 4pm Easter Saturday 20 April Service of light and Easter vigil 7 – 8.30pm Easter Day 21 April Sunrise service followed by breakfast 7am All age Holy Communion 10am Songs of praise 6pm
Every day Pray the Lord’s Prayer at 12noon Sign up to 40acts. co Every day Pray the Lord’s Prayer at 12noon Sign up to 40acts.co.uk Shrove Tuesday 5 March Pancake Party 5 - 6.30pm Ash Wednesday 6 March Service of Communion and ashing 11am and 7.30pm Wednesday 13 March CCT lunch & reflection @ Baptist 12noon – 1.30pm Wednesday 20 March CCT lunch & reflection @ Methodist Wednesday 27 March CCT lunch & reflection @ St Anthony Wednesday 3 April CCT lunch & reflection @ St Wilfrid Saturday 13 April Easter Messy Church 4 – 6pm Palm Sunday 14 April CCT Lent Prayer @ St Wilfrid’s 4 - 5pm Palm Sunday – Monday 15 April 24/7 prayer time in church 6pm - 6pm Tuesday 16 April A reading of Mark’s gospel 8am / 12noon / 7pm Wednesday 17 April The Miracle Maker / The Passion 3pm / 7pm Maundy Thursday 18 April Supper and Service of ‘Foot washing’ 6.30pm Good Friday 19 April An hour by the cross followed by hot cross buns 3 - 4pm Easter Saturday 20 April Service of light and Easter vigil 7 – 8.30pm Easter Day 21 April Sunrise service followed by breakfast 7am All age Holy Communion 10am Songs of praise 6pm