The Literacy Model and Intervention: Bridging the Gap Board Presentation January 11, 2011
Literacy Vision Statement Aiken County Public Schools demonstrates an unwavering commitment of the educational community to embrace their responsibility for ensuring that each student at any level becomes a successful reader and writer.
Response to Intervention - Three Tier Model 1 - 5% 5 10% 80–90% 80 90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment High Intensity Assessment-based Assessment - based Intense, direct instruction Individual Students – Reading Recovery Intense, Strategic, Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response to student needs Small-group instruction- push in/pull out Additional time Certified teacher Identified by intervention team Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Classroom Interventions Additional in-class instruction Specific to identified needs Research-based strategies Supplemental materials Academic Systems District Implementation Response to Intervention - Three Tier Model
Reading Interventionists Assess and teach students in need Assist in providing informal, ongoing professional development for teachers Serve on the School Intervention Team Collect and analyze data to inform instruction Engage in continuous professional development Research and implement current best practices in literacy
Students Served by School ARRA Interventionists Elementary – 25 Interventionists serve: 200 students in Tier III – Reading Recovery 1,025 students in Tier II – Small groups Middle – 4 Interventionists serve: 25 students in Tier III – 1-on-1 Intensive 38 students in Tier II – Strategic Small groups 70 students in Tier I – Classroom push in TOTAL NUMBER OF AIKEN COUNTY STUDENTS BENEFITTING FROM INTERVENTION 1,358
Elementary Student Achievement
Reading Recovery Data 2009-2010 79% of students (158) successfully completed Reading Recovery at grade level as compared to the national average of 75%. 21% of students (42)who did not successfully complete Reading Recovery at grade level were referred by the SIT for further interventions, Special Ed referrals, or identified with other problems.
Middle School Student Achievement School (current) Fall 2009 Reading RIT Spring 2009 Reading RIT Difference A. L. Corbett Middle 209.19 212.02 2.83 Aiken Middle 204.56 208.85 4.29 New Ellenton Middle 209.63 217.51 7.89 Ridge Spring-Monetta Middle 201.01 206.47 5.46 District Average 214.32 4.68 Intervention Schools’ Average 211.21 5.12 National Norm 215.0 3.0
Projected PASS Performance
Longitudinal Effect Even though all students are not projected to meet the standard this year, interventions are essential to their continued growth as readers and writers. 61% of all intervention students had significant gains from Fall to Winter MAP after receiving intervention.
Reading is Core When struggling students experience success in intervention, it has a positive correlation that permeates all other areas of academia. Improvements in reading comprehension lower retention rate and positively impact the graduation rate.