2/15/2019 Transforming the Way the DoD Manages Data Implementing the Net Centric Data Strategy using Communities of Interest Introduction Michael.Todd@osd.mil.


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Presentation transcript:

2/15/2019 Transforming the Way the DoD Manages Data Implementing the Net Centric Data Strategy using Communities of Interest Introduction Michael.Todd@osd.mil 703-602-0516 DoD CIO(IM), OASD/NII October 20, 2005

Enabling Net-Centricity  Data Strategy 2/15/2019 The Department’s Strategy To move from privately owned and stored data in disparate networks and within legacy systems/applications to an enterprise information environment where authorized known and authorized unanticipated users can access any information and can post their contributions for enterprise-wide access. Producer and Developer Consumer Consumer Producer Ubiquitous Global Network System 1 Data Metadata Catalogs Security Services (e.g., PKI, SAML) System 2 Data Shared Data Space . Enterprise & Community Services Application Services (e.g., Web) Metadata Registries System N Data Overarching Strategy What is our vision? Move from Producer to Consumer Centric data environment Net Centricity = Focused on information sharing Taking lessons learned fro the Internet How would you do things differently if you had a ubiquitous network where everybody was connected to everyone else? Assumes Better information which means… Better decisions which means… Better outcomes Developer From Producer-centric: Multiple calls to find data Private data – only supports planned consumers Data translation needed for understanding when pulled from multiple sources To Consumer-centric: Data is visible, accessible and understandable Shared data – supports planned and unplanned consumers Shared meaning of the data enables understanding

B A R R I E R B A R R I E R B A R R I E R B A R R I E R Barriers to Identifying, Accessing and Understanding Data Defining The Data Problem 2/15/2019 End-User Consumer End-User Producer “What data exists?“ “How do I access the data?” “How do I know this data is what I need?” “How can I tell someone what data I need?” “How do I share my data with others?” “How do I describe my data so others can understand it?” ? User knows data exists and can access it but may not know how to make use of it due to lack of under- standing of what data represents User is unaware this data exists User knows this data exists but cannot access it because of organizational and/or technical barriers What are the barriers? Posting and Pulling from exposed data asset repositories Organization “A” Organization “B” Organization “C” Data Strategy Approach: Discovery Metadata Data Strategy Approach: Web Enabling, Web-service Enabling Data Strategy Approach: Communities of Interest, Metadata Registry

Publishing and Subscribing of Data & Services Supporting Both Known and Unanticipated Authorized Users 2/15/2019 System A Data exchanged across engineered, well-defined interfaces System B Publish Structural and Semantic Metadata Known User of System A Data Publish Data and Services All Data Assets are Tagged with DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) Metadata Publish Discovery Metadata DoD Metadata Registry “Pull” Structural and Semantic Metadata “Pull” Data The key is supporting unanticipated authorized users!! DoD Discovery Catalogs DoD Service Registry Query Catalogs and Registry System X “Shared Space” Data Producer Data Consumer Leverages Service Oriented Architecture Unanticipated Authorized User of System A Data

Data Sharing Responsibilities 2/15/2019 Key Goal of DoD Directive 8320.2 Scope of Enterprise Role Scope of COI Role Make data visible Contextual Data Develop, maintain DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) to facilitate DoD-wide search Direct development of Enterprise search capability Tag data holdings with DDMS Extend for COI specific search criteria Make data accessible Sharing Data Maintain repository of acceptable commercial standards for web-based services Direct development of federated service registry for web-services Implement access services Register access services in federated service registry Make data understandable Structural & Semantic Data Descriptions Direct development of federated metadata registry for semantic and structural metadata Develop vocabularies, taxonomies for data exchange Register these agreements in federated DoD metadata Registry What is our direction? DepSecDef sees this as a DoD transformational priority ! DoD 8320.2 Directive, Data Sharing in a Net Centric Department of Defense DoD 8320.2 Directive codifies DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (DoD CIO) Data Strategy Implementation Guide is under development (DoD CIO)

Community of Interest (COI) Approach 2/15/2019 Define data sharing shortfall as a problem statement Define COI-specific vocabularies and taxonomies Vocabularies to improve data exchange within COI and among COIs Taxonomies to improve precision discovery Make their data assets visible and accessible Visible via service registry (WSDL), metadata registry (XSD), and data catalogs (DDMS) Accessible via web services and common mime types Register semantic and structural metadata to the DoD Metadata Registry (http://metadata.dod.mil) XML Gallery for XML schemas, stylesheets, domain sets, samples Taxonomy Gallery for discovery taxonomies (OWL syntax) Pilots, Exercises, Integration with Programs of Record Data asset discovery and understanding Data asset posting to shared spaces Problem Statement: Can I find data I need? Is the data I found available for me to retrieve? How do I make sense of the data I have retrieved? Are there duplicate sources for the data? Which source should I use or are they equivalent for my needs? What is the pedigree of the data? Subject matter experts who use the data are best suited to describe the data Post the data assets (vocabularies, taxonomies, discovery metadata, semantic metadata, and structural metadata) COI pilots, exercises, and integration with programs of record The Strategy identifies COIs as a mechanism for tackling these goals. The COI FAQ published at DefenseLink identifies 3 tasks for a COI. Under each of these tasks, we provide more elaboration on the what’s, the why’s, and the where’s for each task. The remainder of this presentation will illustrate and explain the NCES products and how a COI can use these products to accomplish the net-centric objectives. http://www.defenselink.mil/nii/org/cio/doc/COI_FAQ.doc

Deputy CIO Proposed Activities for COIs to Implement 2/15/2019 COI Overview Deputy CIO Proposed Activities for COIs to Implement Key Activities Identify/establish COI Identify membership and governance (e.g. Mission Areas, Domains) and key stakeholders (e.g. Programs, Operators) Identify/prioritize/select key COI capabilities and data assets to expose to Enterprise Register into DoD COI Directory (https://gesportal.dod.mil/sites/coidirectory) Define and register COI structural metadata (e.g. taxonomy, vocabulary, data models, schema) Define discovery metadata and process (extend the DDMS) Tag data assets and post to searchable catalogs (e.g. Domain metadata catalog and service registry) Register COI services (supports separation of data from applications) Operate and sustain COI services (e.g. web services) for selected COI capabilities (leverage NCES CES) What do COIs do ?

Sample COI Organization Chart 2/15/2019 Sample COI Organization Chart Executive Board (FO/GO) Chair or Co-Chair 2 or 3 star level Steering Committee Forum (FO) (Chair or Co-Chair) 1 star level with 0-6/GS-15 membership Data Management Working Group (Military Service Co-Lead) Pilot Demonstration Working Group (Military Service Co-Lead) Infrastructure Working Group (Military Service Co-Lead WGs Additional Groups as needed How are COIs structured? Task: Develop a repeatable process to demonstrate pub/sub web service Risk reduction for inclusion by Programs of Record Task: Develop common data vocabulary for a given report Bottoms up data user defined Supports top down governance Task: write web service to pub/sub the data Web Services Leverage Net Centric Enterprise Service (NCES) services (discovery, security) FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY

2/15/2019 COIs are the key to our bottoms up approach spannning organizational and functional lines.

Reference Links The DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy http://www.defenselink.mil/nii/org/cio/doc/Net-Centric-Data-Strategy-2003-05-092.pdf Data Sharing in a Net-Centric DoD, DODD 8320.2 http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/html/83202.htm DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) http://metadata.DoD.mil/ DDMS Schema information http://diides.ncr.disa.mil/mdreg/user/DDMS.cfm COI Directory https://gesportal.dod.mil/sites/coidirectory