American Literature Vocabulary Unit 12
absolve to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt acquit excuse pardon ----------------------- convict condemn
caricature (n) a representation, such as a drawing, that exaggerates a subject’s features (v) to present someone or something in a deliberately distorted way
clangor (n) a loud ringing sound (v) to make a loud ringing noise uproar --------------------- silence
contiguous side by side, touching near next door to --------------------- detached
cupidity an eager desire for something greed craving avarice ------------------- satiation
deleterious harmful injurious destructive damaging --------------------- beneficial
enhance to raise to a higher degree to increase the value or desirability of improve elevate ------------------ reduce
enthrall to captivate, charm to hold spellbound to enslave, to imprison attract ------------------------- repel
extenuate to lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by making partial excuses moderate, diminish, downplay
implicit implied or understood though unexpressed without doubts or reservations unquestioning potentially contained in unspoken ---------------------- stated
incisive perceptive sharp keen acute cutting
ostentatious marked by conspicuous or pretentious display showy flashy overdone flamboyant --------------------------- modest, plain
paragon a model of excellence or perfection ideal paradigm model good example
politic prudent shrewdly conceived and developed tactful diplomatic --------------------- unwise, rash
prosaic dull, lacking in distinction and originality matter-of-fact literal --------------------- inspired, poetic
redundant more than is needed wordy repetitive unnecessary superfluous verbose
sanctimonious making a show of virtue or righteousness hypocritically moralistic or pious holier-than-thou ------------------------ sincere, humble
scintillating sparkling, twinkling exceptionally brilliant stimulating glittering ---------------------- dull
winsome charming attractive pleasing delightful ------------------ repulsive
inimical tending to cause harm or obstruct developments being oppositional or adverse unfriendly hostile antagonistic