Summer Fair Newsletter St Paul's C of E Primary School Parent Staff Association (PSA) Summer Fair Newsletter Saturday 23 June 12 – 3pm The summer fair is fast approaching and loads of preparation is already going on behind the scenes. This is one of our biggest fundraising opportunities and whilst there is lots of work to be done, many hands make light work! With this in mind we are asking for helpers. We have spread the allocation of stalls across the classes with a little socialising in mind and a list of these are below. The class reps will have these lists shortly and we would love it if you could come along and help, even for half an hour, children very welcome. As a thank you we are giving a free raffle ticket to anyone helping, giving you the chance to win one of our fabulous prizes! For those setting-up and packing away refreshments will be provided. In the next few days, raffle tickets for the fair will be coming home in school bags. Decorate a Pot/Plant a Seed Reception Plant Stall Reception Pocket Money Stall Year 1 Sweets Tombola Year 1 Chocolate Game/Racing Pigs Year 2 Skittles/Splat a Rat Year 2 Smellies Tombola Year 3 Tattoos Year 3 Bar & BBQ Year 4 Speed Shoot-Out Year 4 ‘Village Hall’ Cream Tea Year 5 Grand Draw & Silent Auction Year 6 Penalty Shootout Year 6 Welcome Table Staff Drinks Tombola & Lucky Dip Staff Face Painting Urgent need for Volunteers Also Candy Floss Man & Ice Cream Van! We also need volunteers for the following important jobs… Bakers to make cakes and scones for our ‘Village Hall’ Cream Teas Face painters – simple designs only Donations of plants on Thursday 21st Help with set up on the day from 9.30am Help with packing up from 3pm Any help is always gratefully received! Sign up sheets will be available at the gate or speak to your class rep or the office If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to speak to Mandy or one of the other PSA Committee members. St Paul’s C of E Primary School PSA, Orchard Road, Hook, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1AJ Registered Charity No 1089714