Slave Plantations Learning Objectives: To be able to explain what a slave plantation is. To be able to select key information from sources and use them to describe life as a slave on a plantation. Starter: In the thought bubble, write what you think EACH person would be thinking at that moment. Write on the arrow what you think is happening. Write in the speech bubble what you think that person would be saying.
Person 3 A fellow slave responsible for slave punishment Person 4 Slave mother forced to watch punishment Person 1 Overseer: white man in charge Person 2 Slave being punished for running away Person 5 Slave girl forced to watch punishment
Plantations What are plantations? Large farming areas (mostly in the South)/ tobacco, cotton, rice/ sold/ purpose of slavery= supply cheap labour for the plantation owners There were also other types of labour required on plantations and farms
Conditions on the plantations Slaves lived in crude (basic) quarters Their diet was poor The majority of plantations were in the South Slaves were particularly susceptible (likely to catch) to disease Diseases were often left untreated and slaves were often forced to work when they were sick
How horrible was life as a slave? Source I (picture) As a punishment slaves forced to wear neck collars Punishment for rebellions: Nailing a slave to the ground and burning them from head to toe. Crimes for a lesser nature: Castration, or chopping half the foot off with an axe. Source A One ship’s captain, who had a batch of slaves suffering from dysentery, told the doctor to block the anus of each slave with rope. Source B Children under the age of six, a few elderly people and some people with physical disabilities were exempt from labour. Source D Plantation owner report to a government inquiry on treatment of slaves, 1806 The slaves’ hard work, their poor diet and terrible living conditions led to a very low life expectancy of 26. (Life expectancy in Wales 2011 is 77.6 years for males and 81.8 years for females.) Source C How horrible was life as a slave? “A favourite one was to tie a rope round a man's body, and suspend him from the ground. A fire was kindled over him, from which was suspended a piece of fat pork. As this cooked, the scalding drops of fat continually fell on the bare flesh." Source E Olaudah Equiano who was a slave, writing in his book. This book helped people in Britain to become aware of the horrors of slavery. 1805. Source J (picture) Slave being whipped by another slave A field slave worked from sunrise to sunset, but during harvest, they worked an eighteen-hour day. A field worker was out in the field when the first sign of light shone until it was too dark to see. Source F Plantation owners often made the other slaves watch the punishment to prevent them from slacking at work or trying to run away. Source H Any slave found guilty of committing or plotting serious offences, such as violence against the plantation owner could be put to death. Beatings and whippings were a common punishment, as well as the use of neck collars. Source G
Think, pair, share You have two minutes of silent work to number the sources YOU have just read from: 1)most horrific thing about being a slave 10) least horrific thing about being a slave You are numbering them in order of what you think is the most terrible thing about being a slave to what you think is the least terrible thing about being a slave. You now have one minute to discuss with your partner your choices and compare your ideas and reasons. You can change your order if you agree with your partner or try and convince your partner your order is correct. Remember you need to think of reasons for your order!
Horror-meter Task Draw a whip in your book . Plot your horrific points from your source sheet onto your whip. 1) Most horrific thing about being a slave! 2) Second most horrific 10) Least horrific fact you have found out about being a slave. Make sure you plot all 10 points. Plotting your points will help you complete the next task!!
Writing task/ Homework Using your horror-meter whip as a plan answer the key question. How horrible was life as a slave? Success criteria Use at least five key terms You must include at least five points from your horror-meter. You need to add: paragraphs when changing subject. Use indents to indicate a new paragraph. Use capital letters for the start of new sentences and for peoples names e.g. Olaudah Key terms Castration Dysentery Slave Exempt Olaudah Equiano Plantation Life expectancy Punishment Run away Horrible Horrific Sentence starters Life as a slave on the plantations in America was………….. I think the most horrible thing about being a slave was…………………….because…………… Another terrible thing about being a slave was………………..this was awful because….. Plantation owners made slaves lives horrific by………………………….. In conclusion I think life as a slave would have been……………………because………………..
Anagrams lanptaiont raticaston rrificho ishmentpun
Anagrams laves ydseneryt emptex orribleh
Castration To remove the testicles of a male animal or human.
Dysentery Inflammation of the intestine, with pain, diarrhoea and often a fever above 38.3'C (101'F). Dysentery can be fatal because it can cause severe dehydration.