We all are students of the High School « La Martinière Monplaisir » . We are in « Seconde » , the first year of the High School , and we are very happy to present our school ! Hello all of you ! Let us present : FLORINE.T Girl 16 years old SAMY.S Boy 16 years old HOPE YOU'LL ENJOY ! BETÜL.P Girl 15 years old
TO KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SCHOOL YOU HAVE TO KNOWN ABOUT THE FRENCH SCHOOL SYSTEM . In France when we are 3 years old, we start school. We go to « La Maternelle » , in english « The Kinder Garden » , and we spend 3 years there. It's a public school, so the parents don't have to pay. In that school, the principal activities are : Painting, Learning the Alphabet and the Numbers .. We do Educationnal Games too , and we Cry a lot :) .
At Primary School we learn how to read, to count, to write .. Then, at 6 years old, we go to « La Primaire » , in english « The Primary School » , where we prepare ourselves to go to « Le Collège » , in english « The Junior High School » when we are 11. At Primary School we learn how to read, to count, to write .. And at The Junior High School we begin to learn languages. English is compulsory, but we have to choose another language like Spanish, German or Italian.
NOW LET SEE HOW OUR SCHOOL WORKS. Our school is specialize in Sciences and Technology. It's a big High School where we are about 2 thousand students from 15 to 22 years old. Some students come from other contries like Brasil or Japan, that's why we have a boarding school.
Right under we can see the boarding school's colidors.
There you can see the outside of our canteen. The food is pretty good but it's quite expensive : actually we pay 4 euro for a meal.
We start school at 7h45 and we can have around 8 hours of class a day. At first it was very hard to be concentrated all the day because it was to long for us, but now we're used to. We have 3 break a day : - 15 min : from 9h35 am to 9h50 am - 1h55 min : from 11h40 am to 1h35 pm to have lunch - 15 min : from 3h25 pm to 3h40 pm
We have only 2 hours of sport a week. But there are a lot of activities like sports (basketball, soccer, badminton..) and different clubs (photography, music, chess..) TO PLAY BASKETBALL TO PLAY SOCCER
Sometimes we can have free periode for exemple when the professors can't perform their class. Some students live close enough to get back home whereas some others who stays at school : In the agora (the picture under) , in the « CDI » (in english the library) , in the « permanence » (actually it's a classroom where everybody is silent and where we can do our homework quietly) .
But some students prefer to stay outside in front of the high school : to smoke, to go to the becker for eating someting, to talk with their friends or to just sit on the benches..
So that's the end, and we hope you've liked it. To finish it well, there is a little tracking in the school where we can see the « agora », the lavatories, the colidors of the first building, the « Civil Ingeneer's » building and the entrance of the self.