Agenda Item 2.1 SES 2014: follow-up


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda Item 2.1 SES 2014: follow-up LAMAS October 2017 Agenda Item 2.1 SES 2014: follow-up

OUTLINE I. Data transmissions II. Data validation III. Data dissemination IV. Quality reporting V. Methodological issues – calendar adjustment VI. EoV results VII. Recommendations for SES 2018

I. Data transmissions deadline: 30th June 2016 with respect of the deadline: BE, CZ, DK, DE, EE, IE, ES, IT, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, AT, PL, RO, SI, SK, FI, SE, UK, IS, NO, CH, ME, MK, RS, TR with up to 1 month delay: BG, FR with up to 2 months delay: PT with more than 2 month delay: EL (validated in May 2017), HR (validated in August 2017)

II. Data validation prior to publication of national data in Eurostat on-line database tables (Eurobase) transmitted data are validated – from the structural and content aspects timely transmission of data ≠ passing validation in number of cases: ONLY 6 MSs transmitted data without further re-transmissions highest no. of re-transmissions: HR, MT, NL – 4 each; BG, IT – 3 each

II. Data validation (2) missing mandatory variables in 2 countries: NL: 4.2.2 (payments for shift work) SE: 1.5 (collective pay agreement), 2.8 (type of employment contract) and 3.3 (annual days of leave) inconsistencies associated to: annual days of holiday leave (var. 3.3); number of overtime hours paid in the reference month (var. 3.2.1) and earnings related to overtime (var. 4.2.1) incorrect headers or variable names use of ISCED 97 codification for variable 2.5 (highest successfully completed level of education and training) instead of ISCED 2011 codes

III. Data dissemination national SES 2014 data + EU and EA aggregates published in Eurobase tables 2 News Releases dedicated to low-wage earners and earnings disparities updated dedicated Eurostat web page – Statistics Explained article on 'Earnings'

III. Data dissemination (2) prepared anonymised CD-ROM (Scientific Use Files) for researchers – almost full coverage: only IE and AT not covered access to microdata in Safe Centre: BE, IE, AT and UK not participating; for DK, DE and IT: to be clarified

III. Data dissemination (3) countries who have not yet confirmed their position as regards access to their SES 2014 national microdata in the Safe Centre are invited to inform Eurostat no later than 31st October 2017 33 research proposals have been submitted for access to SES data (6 of those also contain access to Safe Centre), over the January-September 2017 period

IV. Quality reporting deadline: 31st December 2016 * IT transmitted national QR by the deadline, but in Word document, not in ESS-MH

IV. Quality reporting (2) Several common issues spotted during validation of national QR's: broken links to national publications and national methodological documents added to report attached tables containing coefficients of variation related to SES 2010 missing formulas from explanations of some calculations performed EU synthesis of national QR's prepared – to be published as a part of EU metadata EL and HR are invited to transmit their quality report no later than 30th November 2017

V. Methodological issues – calendar adjustment As discussed at October 2016 LAMAS, Eurostat surveyed among countries if the calendar adjustment is performed: only 3 countries implemented calendar adjustment in SES 2014: FI, PL and IT Eurostat's position: Hourly earnings data as well as any other SES variable should not be calendar adjusted.

VI. EoV results Are there cases of employees paid on a day-worked basis (i.e. not paid during week-ends, bank holidays etc.)? Proportion?

VII. Recommendations for SES 2018 R1: final data sets must be transmitted by 30th June 2020 R2: implement validation checks of data (provided in the document 'SES 2018 Implementing arrangements') prior to data transmission R3: Eurostat invites countries not to calendar adjust the hourly earnings or any other SES data to be transmitted under the SES2018

The LAMAS delegates are invited: To take note of the recommendations for next data collection, namely on timeliness of data transmission, implementation of validation rules and the checking of the quality reports To take note of the state of play as regards access to SES data in the CDROM and/or Safe Centre and to inform Eurostat of any change foreseen for SES2018 To inform Eurostat of any change in the list of SES contact persons provided in Annex I of this document To take note that SES data transmitted to Eurostat, under current regulation should not be calendar adjusted To comment on the case of employees paid on a day-worked basis

Thank you for your attention!