Revelation 19 part 2 – The Revelation of Jesus Christ (2nd coming) Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 19 part 2 – The Revelation of Jesus Christ (2nd coming) Please visit our website:
The second coming of Jesus Christ This is the point of Apocalypse (revelation) of Jesus Christ Chapter 1 verse 7 tells us he will come with the clouds to judge and every eye will see Him Matthew 24 v 29 – 31Jesus speaks of his own coming After the tribulation Light into darkness All the earth seeing Him Rev 19 v 11 – heaven open – perfect tense – having been opened. Opened in rev 4 verse 1
The second coming of Jesus Christ Overview Comes to judge and make war Eyes like a flame of fire On His head many diadem crowns Clothed with a robe dipped in blood Isaiah 63 Armies in heaven followed Him Jude 14 tells us there will be ten thousands of His saints among them Matt 24 v 31 – the elect gathered from one end of heaven to the other Disciples promised they will sit on thrones and judge the 12 tribes with Jesus Probably a mixture of angels and men - Rev 17 v 14 We will not wet our sword – He will slay them with the sword of His mouth He Himself treads the winepress of God’s wrath
The second coming of Jesus Christ He comes on a white horse The triumphal entry – white donkey – was not the triumphal entry This fulfilled Zechariah 9 v 9, but was not the white horse of battle This was Christ the Lamb not Christ the Judge Acts 1 v 6 to 8 Is it at this time? – He said He would restore the kingdom but would not tell them the time. Acts 1 v 11 – He will come in like manner Both the fact and the manner of His coming is foretold. Is there a description of this more magnificent coming in the Old Testament Psalm 45 – the regal and mighty Lord rides into history a second time
The second coming of Jesus Christ There are some parallels here with Jewish weddings Virgins go out to meet the groom as he comes – Matt 25 Bridegroom comes and many with Him Sometimes would ride in to get his bride on a horse Same imagery in Song of Songs chapter 3 The bridegroom’s entry was always spectacular The next few verses should be seen as the spectacular revelation of Jesus Christ at His second coming Let’s review his spectacular names
The second coming of Jesus Christ Reliability Faithful and true – is in the present tense – ‘is and continues to be’ Names are not just labels in the Bible, but indicate character, attributes and qualities 1000 references to the name of the Lord in Scripture – always above other names Chapter 1 v 5 – faithful and true Chapter 3 v 15 – faithful and true Deuteronomy7 v 9 – a God who delivers on His promises The two persons at the ascension predicted the 2nd coming and its manner Hebrews 10 v 23 – He is faithful that promised – He will deliver 1 Cor 10 v 13 – He helps us deal with our temptations 2 Thess 3 v 3 – he protects us from Satan (evil = the evil one) 2 Tim 2 v 13 and Heb 13 v 5 – He’ll never leave us or forsake us
The second coming of Jesus Christ 1 john 1 v 9 – forgives because He is faithful John 7 v 18 – seeks the glory of the Father, not His own glory 1 John 5 v 20 tells us He is true – the only genuine God ‘This’ is a singular masculine demonstrative pronoun and must agree with the noun it modifies in gender and number. This is the true God! Titus 2 v 13 – application of the Granville Sharpe rule God and Saviour – Jesus is both. Verse 12 – a name only He knew To name someone is to have authority over them – no one has! Isaiah 9 v 6 Hid name is wonderful (incomprehensible/secret) Judges 13 v 15 – secret (wonderful) Psalm 139 – God’s omniscience is too wonderful (incomprehensible)
The second coming of Jesus Christ Isaiah 28 v 29 – wonderful in counsel Also called ‘The Word of God’ John 1 v 1 the word was ‘with’ God – ‘Pros’ – has the sense of facing or equal to hence: “the word was God” Verse 14 – the word became flesh – Ginomai – became – pre existed and became flesh John 14 v 9 – if you have seen me you have seen the Father – He is God ‘Was God’ – no definite article – God among no others God is substance, essence and being
The second coming of Jesus Christ 1 John 1 v 1 – 3 – we share the Father and Jesus in common Koinonia – fellowship (sharing in common) Not common ideas, likes and dislikes but Jesus, who we share in common because we are His possession. He also had a Royal Name KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS Revelation 11 v 16 all kingdoms become His 1 Tim 6 verses 13 to 16 – the blessed and only potentate Philippians 2 v 9 – 11 – God has given Him a name above every name
Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Jesus is revealed as the one and only, glorious, faithful, true and living God and King Please visit our website: