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Warren G. Harding “America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums (fake cures) but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise (stability); not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality”
Return to Normalcy Americans were tired of Woodrow Wilson and his high ideals “Make the world safe for democracy” Change from wartime economy to peacetime economy Americans returned to a policy of isolationism Business Policies became more laissez-faire Stopped regulation policies started during the Progressive Era Reduced income, business, and inheritance taxes by 50%
Harding’s Cabinet He made some good choices Herbert Hoover – Secretary of Commerce Evans Hughes – Secretary of State Andrew Melon – Secretary of Treasury He also made some bad choices and placed friends and supporters in positions in which they were not qualified. Albert B. Falls – Secretary of Interior
Teapot Dome Scandal Scandals plagued Harding’s presidency Usually involved his appointees and not himself Falls secretly gave oil-drilling rights on government property in Teapot Dome, Wyoming to two private oil companies In return, Falls received more than $300,000 disguised as loans
Harding’s Facebook Include the following on facebook page: A picture of Warren Harding A friend list Biographical information You must have one wall post and response for each of these topics: Harding’s Return to Normalcy Business Policies Reduction of Taxes The Teapot Dome Scandal
Warren G. Harding Info Born in 1865 Died 1923 29th president of the United States Years in office – 1921-1923 Died in office Republican Elected from Ohio