Your Text Here Web 2.0
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How To Vote via Texting EXAMPLE This slide is for display to the audience to show them how they will vote on your polls in your presentation. You can remove this slide if you like or if the audience is already comfortable with texting and/or voting with Poll Everywhere. Sample Oral Instructions: Ladies and gentlemen, throughout today’s meeting we’re going to engage in some audience polling to find out what you’re thinking, what you’re up to and what you know. Now I’m going to ask for your opinion. We’re going to use your phones to do some audience voting just like on American Idol. So please take out your cell phones, but remember to leave them on silent. You can participate by sending a text message. This is a just standard rate text message, so it may be free for you, or up to twenty cents on some carriers if you do not have a text messaging plan. The service we are using is serious about privacy. I cannot see your phone numbers, and you’ll never receive follow-up text messages outside this presentation. There’s only one thing worse than email spam – and that’s text message spam because you have to pay to receive it! Standard texting rates only (worst case US $0.20) We have no access to your phone number Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do TIPS 7
So…let’s take a multiple choice vote Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser: If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. 8
In no more than 5 words… Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser: If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. 9
Exportable to Handheld & Portable Computer Devices StudyStack data can be exported to the programs listed below. If you would like to be able to download to another program, send an email to iPhone App Warning Android: Kaka Flashcards iPhone/iTouch: gFlash+ Touchcards Quizard iMemento webOS: FlashCards for webOS PalmOS: QuizWiz QuizBuddy Lexi Quizzler PocketPC: HandyCards FlashCards 101 PocketExam Acquasys FlashIt BlackBerry: gFlash+ Cell phones: StudyMe Tango iPod: iStudyToGo iPod Notes PC: WinFlash Educator CueCard Show ipad and andriod apps
Sample Social Studies Glog
Now you try it out for yourselves… Questions? Now you try it out for yourselves…
Creating Your Own Document Consider this list...and decide which of these 1 of the 6 topics you’d be most interested in completing. Ten people dead or alive I’d like to eat dinner with… Ten Books I’d like to read before I die… Ten Places I’d like to see before I die… Ten Vehicles I’d like to drive… Ten Promises I make to myself this year… Ten Foods I’d like to try… Google Docs
Contributing to a Document Now, open your email and click on the link that I sent you via email this morning. Follow this to the ETF Wiki and you will see a link that is titled “Google Documents Link”. Now think back to the list on the previous page…which list did you choose? Google Docs
Google Docs Using Google Documents Create your individual list by choosing a color, a font and create a list of your own. Each list should be comma delineated with your initials in parenthesis after your list. i.e. 1. bus, Zamboni, Ferrari, dune buggy, drag car, NASCAR car, airplane, convertible, ’57 Chevy (CLP) Google Docs ***There is an age restriction of 13 years old***
Wikis & Blogs Definitions: Wiki Blog A collaborative website which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it A personal or corporate website in the form of an online journal, with new entries appearing in sequence as they are written.
Wiki vs Blog Wikis have several advantages over blogs. Let's list them all here in a side-by-side comparison. WIKI BLOG Writers: Many authors, various personalities & experiences, opinions face scrutiny of community or are listed as such. Typically one author, one personality, one opinion. Knowledge comes from community of dozens or even thousands of topic experts. Knowledge limited by single person. Content: Grows rapidly at all hours of the day. Grows slowly, one post at a time. Articles constantly change and continuosly updated. Each post becomes stale over time. Discussions can take place on pages or in the discussion forum (at least in Wetpaint wikis). Discussions take place in the comments of a post, typically approved by blogger.
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