Developmental Education: A Call to Action for 2019 Michigan Student Success Network Virtual Meeting February 8. 2019
Agenda 9:00 Overview from MCSS Jenny Schanker and Erica Orians 9:30 Co-Req Works: CUNY Research Demonstrates Success with Co-Requisite Mathematics Alexandra W. Logue 10:45 Beyond Math and English: Addressing Non- Cognitive Issues in a Co-Requisite Classroom Peter Adams 12:00 Let Icarus Fly: Multiple Measures and the Reimagination of Student Capacity on the Road to College-Level Placement for All John J. Hetts 1:00 Next Steps from MCSS Jenny Schanker
Why this topic? Studies by CCRC and others show that, for large numbers of remedial students, isolating them from their peers in college-level courses and assigning multiple semesters of remediation greatly reduce their chances of completion. Thomas Brock, CCRC Director, January 16, 2019
Alternative: Mathematics Pathway Courses A preliminary report found that students in [math pathways courses] were nearly 50 percent more likely to pass a college-level math course after three semesters; a final report later this year will examine longer-term effects.
Alternative: Co-Requisite Delivery Findings from CCRC studies suggest that corequisite and other forms of accelerated developmental education are associated with increased enrollment in and completion of gatekeeper courses.
Alternative: Multiple Placement Measures After one semester, the use of multiple measures led to fewer students placed into developmental education, and more students enrolling in and completing college-level math and English courses.
The State of the Field in Michigan Initiatives/Participating Colleges 1 In 2018 54.2% of students placed into one or more areas of developmental education 2 The State of the Field in Michigan
The State of the Field in Michigan: Coreq English (ALP)
The State of the Field in Michigan: Co-Req Math
The State of the Field in Michigan: Placement
Increase the numbers of Michigan students who complete college-level math and English within one year of enrollment* from ~25% to 50% in Math from ~50% to 70% in English From ~20% to 40% in both Decrease reliance on single measures such as Accuplacer to determine readiness for college- level work/need for additional academic supports. Currently ~1/3 of colleges still using this model *based on VFA KPI data BIG GOALS!
21 of the responding colleges indicated they would be interested in joining an initiative to scale up developmental education reform in Michigan. Most popular design features: On-site, individualized support Institute model learning community Modest pass-through funding STAY TUNED!! BIG GOALS!