On Page XX Title It: Do Now Reflections For Week of 8/31-9/4/15 Write the correction there. On page XX Title It: Do Nows For the Week of XX/XX-X/XX Write the original there.
Corrections/Examples for MUGS Monday
Terms on Tuesday - Tone Title Page X: Do Now Reflections for the Week of XX/xx – XX/XX Left Side: Answer the questions on page XX. http://tinyurl.com/elawarmupweek3A http://tinyurl.com/elawarmupweek3B What is the tone of the Lion King? Now watch the trailers at home and compare and contrast the difference. If there is time you may be able to watch them in class! Title Page X: Do Nows for the Week of xx/xx-XX/XX Right Side: Write the term and its definition on Page XX: Tone is the writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward a subject, character, or audience, and it is conveyed primarily through the author’s choice of diction, imagery, figurative language, details, and syntax. Tone may be serious, humorous, sarcastic, indignant, etc.
Do Now: Words on Wednesday Left Side on Page XX: What would solemn and contempt look like to you? Have you seen a situation in which someone displayed these qualities? Explain. Right Side: Solemn Right Side: Contempt ADJECTIVE. The act of being serious and dignified in appearance or behavior. NOUN. The feeling with which a person openly dislikes someone or something considered unworthy of one's concern or respect.
Throwback Thursday- Tone . Left side: Based on the movies you listed what is the tone the director was trying to convey? Right Side: List films which you would describe as being solemn or having contempt towards a subject.
Image Friday On the right side describe what is literally in the photo below. On the left side infer the message the photo is trying to convey. What evidence from the picture led you to this conclusion?