MHSA Data Collection
2010- Community-driven input for evaluation and reporting requirements on PEI activities Narrowing of reporting requirements and created first version of documentation Spring Created a model that was consistent across all MHSA activities Ease administrative burden Consistency of reporting requirements
Initially Word Documents Current System: Excel Spreadsheets Used in all MHSA Components Data is copied into spreadsheets per activity and then compiled into a master for demographics Future System: Standardized Satisfaction Surveys Master sheet for like measures (YOQ, Eyberg, etc.) Expectation of Validated/Cultural Driven Tools
Process of data collection: Completed by Provider (county or contractor) Electronically sent to County Liaison Merged into Master Spreadsheet Uses of data: County Evaluation Team Community Planning Process EQRO and other audits
Based on 3 Quadrant Model What/How much do we do? How well do we do it? Is anyone better off? Did we make a difference?
Quadrant 1- Demographics and Contract Requirements Unduplicated served Age Groups Ethnicity Primary Language Gender Veteran/Active Military Contract Requirements Quadrant 2 Satisfaction Survey Completion of Services Quadrant 3 Measurable outcome (at least one)
Is anyone better off? Did we make a difference? Customized to each activity Fidelity expected with EBP Provider holds the hard/individual data Provider provides the evaluation of the data Reports change scores/data Limitations Lack of funding for evaluation Lack of research and evaluation experience by providers