framework for services similar to Education, as a service industry, is a part of globalization process under the umbrella of General Agreement on Trade in services(GATS), Which sets framework for services similar to trade in goods.
The Indian Government has liberalized the business education market over the 1990s, resulting in the rapid growth of business schools offering programs at both undergraduate as well as graduate levels The development of B-schools largely is in the line with the policy of self-sustainability of higher education as maximum of them are private and self funded
The higher education system in India is one of the largest in the world & second only to the USA
The liberalization of the education services sector in order that might compete more efficiently and profitably in the global marketplace raises critical concerns about quality, affordability and, more fundamentally, the role of governments & PCI’s to provide a quality public education system for the benefit of society.
The speed and frequency of change in the field of management education requires highly developed competencies in the management group. The management educator need to become more knowledgeable in developing sensitivities and insights in the effective domain of the client
The biggest challenge before the B- schools is to take up the coming years of consumerism, provide highest quality standards, become global player and at the same time maintain the Indian value system.
Intellectual Capital and its development Infrastructure Pedagogy Quality Of Management Programme can be judged by: Quality of intake Intellectual Capital and its development Infrastructure Pedagogy Results
EVALUATION SYSTEM INTERNAL EVALUATION: Attendance Class Participation Assignment Submission Presentations & Seminars Outlook/Attitude towards other Curricular Activities. Internal Examination Summer Training/OJT/Projects
EXTERNAL EXAMINATION Written exams Practical Viva-voce Major Research Projects Etc.
PrESENT EALUATION SYSTEM Whether the present System of Evaluation is : FAIR UNFAIR
CONCLUSION Management education in India is at cross road facing several challenges: The changing demographic setup Technology Customer behavior Govt. Policy Entry of new supplier Competition among the existing B-schools All these have made the management education highly dynamic.
To cope up with the change each of the B- school has to be learning organization and has to enhance its efficiency by enhancing the capacity utilization and quality thereby becoming more competitive, economical and target oriented.